a question for you 1Trismegistus1 how would you prove blindness is to a man with sight I am without ever experiencing blindness and am thus ignorant of the experience When my eyes are closed or I am walking through a dark area - I am able to see 'dark' When I am not perceiving my awake experience with my eyes open I continue to be able to imagine There is always at least some type of sight - though it may not or may always be oriented toward 'light' / 'lit' To me - from my perspective - existence is without blindness - existence is with sight
according to the docs....my vision is better then perfect.....20/10 to be exact...... and i "see" many colors! best answer i have read so far!!!!! of corse....reminds me instantly of the fucking man!!!!!Beethoven![ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q2ZqVdEEu8A]YouTube - Trans-Siberian Orchestra - Beethoven/Requiem[/ame] dude was quite deaf...yet created some of the greatest most inspiring music ever!!!!! how? he could "feel " it! i think i saw this in a movie once!!!! you give them something hot....and tell them its red! then something cold...and tell them its blue.... dont know what to use for every color...but you could figure it out over time?
you ever smell a pine forest? or a Christmas tree stand/sale? its kinda like that..... rolleyes: best i could do on short notice) would prob...imo....be harder to describe light.......to someone who had never seen it then color.....? but shit idk?
idk that ,that would do the job of describing light to someone who had always been blind...... im thinking it would take more then that? but idk?
Color is more than just visual aesthetics. Feeling and emotion are, IMO, intrinsically associated with color. This is just speculation on my part, but I imagine that taking a blind man out on a bright, clear, sunny day and explaining to him that "this is light" could help that man to associate the word and idea of 'light' with that particular feeling. Alternatively, a musical reference could also be employed independently or along side of this. Then again, I'm an artist... so perhaps I'm a bit biased?