How would YOU argue to your parents?

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by SpiceMadeOfLife, Jan 2, 2009.

  1. Okay, part of the stoner lifestyle includes thinking about legalization and the reasons why you smoke and shit right? So if you were to ever get into it with your parents and there saying this and that, what would you say that would stomp out any arguement they have?

    My parents are big on wine drinking and alcohol. I would draw parralels to that, listing off a bunch of times when they've been drunk and how they think its okay. I know they'd get into education and stuff for me cause I'm in college but I'd tell them I've been smart about it and not smoking before class or any of that dumb shit.

    Not really completely what I'd say but you get the picture. So, what would you argue?
  2. Go buy the documentry:
    "The Union: The business behind getting High"

    When my rents found out that i smoked, I said if you have anything negative to say to me, you watch this movie first. They sat downa nd watched it. Dad enjoyed it, mom hated it. Thats how I would go about it.
  3. How would I argue? Well, to start...

    Watch the Union! But if I had to speak entirely for myself, I could say something like this:

    "Mom, Dad. You know I smoke weed. Ganja, reefer, devil's harvest, call it what you damn well please, but to me, it's just good ol' Mary-Jane.

    Now, I know I was never brought up to do drugs, but the truth is that weed is merely a plant. I love the way it makes me feel, and think, and just the act of smoking is a joy. The flame catches the herb on fire, the smoke is sucked down through the stem, and double, double toil and trouble; Fire burn, and bong a bubble, I inhale that sweet smoke - perhaps I hold it in to get the most of it. Exhaling, I feel that familiar tingle run throughout my body. I realize that I'm high. And I love it.

    But come on, the reasons I do are clear. As I'm only 18, I'm basically a kid. In my age group, the majority of people love drinking and partying. I will drink, but I honestly take no pleasure from it at all. Now, you tell me to not drink too much, but the truth is, I'd rather smoke. If you came to your senses, you'd see that it's NOT a big deal - not only is it less dangerous, but I can still function very well, even when REALLY baked. Whereas with booze, like, I'm stumbling all over the place, experiencing a total loss of inhibition, probably yelling and swearing.

    Another thing - I hate a lot of people. It's kind of an odd statement, but this town sucks. All people want to do is drink and party. Since I don't really like doing those two things, especially with people I dislike, it would seem pointless for me to partake in those activities. I would rather just chill out, smoke weed, and laugh with some friends and probably eat some munchies. But, no! Weed is a drug! I'm a hapless junkie, now. I set a bad example for my brother! Holy shit, welcome to the real world. And how can you even reprimand me for smoking ganja? You two smoke cigarettes, which is much worse than alcohol, and a billion times worse than marijuana. In fact, now that I'm done with this subject and we're going to each have our separate views and beliefs on the issue of weed, I feel I should tell you that I should be talking to you about smoking cigarettes - you say I lied about not smoking weed anymore, well you lied about smoking cigarettes, so really, where does that leave us? I have to stop doing what I love but you can keep fuelling your nicotine addiction? Sorry, but I won't stop treating myself to the herb just because a pair of hypocrites say so. I'm sorry, but that's how it is, and as much as I love you, I'm growing up, and moving on with life. So, tell me. I still rely on you for tuition and what not, and your unconditional support and love, but weed is not affecting my school work or my chances for success. In fact, I'm a lot more knowledgeable and smart than most people I know. So, now that you see where I stand, you best step aside."

    Yeah, it'd be something to that degree. Sorry for the long ass paragraphs, but that's how I'd argue my case, partially. The Union's video can do the rest.
  4. I would argue that cannabis is a harmless drug, and back it up with solid facts. Then I would argue how cannabis can save the world through industrial use, and cure cancer and a variety of diseases medicinally (in hemp oil form). Would back that all up with resources and information as well. I can't lose in a cannabis debate, it's impossible! I wish I could take on the United States Drug Czar, that would just be fantastic.
  5. Exactly what I was going to write... It is a really good way of doing it though. You watch the movie and then we'll argue what is right/wrong.
  6. The Union is a good movie. I wish it had something about hemp oil in it, though.
  7. I'd ask my mom(cuz my dads cool with it) to watch a few documentaries, including Super High Me(great movie, demonstrates the very low negative affect on your health) and The Union.

    After that i'd simply tell them that i'd been smoking pretty regularly for 5 years and show them good grades from my college. That alone should be enough to convince my mom it doesn't affect my life negatively.

    If that didn't work, i'd ask her why she doesn't want me smoking weed. Her only response after watching The Union could be "because its illegal and i dont want you getting in trouble". My answer to this would be that i only smoke in my house and never have very much weed on me, so the odds of me being caught are ridiculously low.

    After that i think she'd be pretty much disarmed, if not convinced.
  8. so, whats the union about? dont ruin it for me, but how does it start? whats the point of the movie?

    i might wanna watch it.
  9. Super High Me would be a good movie to show parents.

    I've never heard of 'The Union'. I'm gonna have to check it out.:smoke:
  10. Yo man, actions speak louder than words. I don't think arguing will get you anywhere just prove to them that you can lead a balanced life while getting hi once in a while. You have to make more of a statement to your parents than to try and argue because I doubt anything you say will make them see the light if they haven't already.

    Sad but True.
  11. ^ god speed
  12. I'm on the same boat as all of you guys. My parents are old and were brought up to think that cannabis is a horrible narcotic and makes you a junkie.

    I'm going to show my mom The Union either tomorrow or Monday. I actually downloaded it and edited out the parts i felt that she didn't need to see. Seriously it is a fantastic movie and I highly recommend watching it and showing your parents if you can't really talk to them about weed.

    Hopefully she will realize that it's one of the greatest plants in the universe and i can go back to college without her on my back about it.
  13. People were talking about showing them The Union, well, here ya go man good luck... [ame=""]The Union: The business behind getting high.@@AMEPARAM@@player.setPostsId(1362521);player.setUsersId(265638);player.setUsersLogin("Zebb")@@AMEPARAM@@1362521@@AMEPARAM@@Zebb[/ame]
  14. My parents used to think that it was a harmful "drug" and all that bullshit, but I disproved that by showing them the Union and certain facts and websites I had obtained throughout my journey. The only thing that they have against it is that it is illegal.
  15. arguing with parents is pointless.
  16. dude we're not talking about arguing. Just informing them of how good cannabis is. They didn't have computers back then and only believed what they were told.
  17. the only way i see possible to getting them to be more lenient with cannabis other than handling your responsibilities as an to present them with evidence that somone they trully admire uses Oprah or somebody like that..if they were not potheads in the past they are just gonna think you are ruining your lives if you are a portrait of the typical stoner..makes em feel like their losing their child to drugs..ya kno

  18. Hah, that's what I'm trying to be. I want to be that person who graduates University of Waterloo with a degree in Computer Engineering and also be able to say that I smoke weed haha.

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