How would General Humanity react to First Contact?

Discussion in 'Pandora's Box' started by CLKWRK, Aug 12, 2011.

  1. "do they put out easy?"
  2. #22 mandrin13, Aug 13, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 13, 2011
    Half the world is rioting, there are food, money, and energy shortages, so yeah I would say the world is chaotic. Since I stuck with here at home to go along with my example where we already attacked an unknown object by, I will continue with home examples. Here in the US we are on a "heightened level of vigilance" according to our govt, the FBI, CIA, and other agencies are over taxed tracking down leads, dead ends or not , people who are feeling the crunch are pissed, getting poorer, and angry which also leads to chaos. The gun people are up in arms (ha) as the govt continues to close their grip on gun control, so there's a whole other group of people already pissed off. The list of problems is endless. Our bases are constantly attacked throughout the world, so sure, depending on where and how they reveal themselves to us, there may be no problem. But if you think a UFO appearing over the white house, any of our world wide bases, or major cities wont get shot at I think your crazy.

    You are correct, extremely suspiscious would probably be a better term, though after one does research, as I have, I would still say the use of "confident" is correct. Regardless NASA has been full of secrets for years, and clearly hide things from the public, as does the govt in general, but that is for another thread.

  3. You are talking more about civil unrest around the world. Even here in the US it still pales to the tension our government was facing after Pearl Harbor. And when they saw a UFO appear over Los Angeles, the closest major city to Japan, we freaked and opened fire. Those circumstances simply don't exist right now.

    Nah, it'd definitely be shot at, I'm debating whether or not our government would coordinate some sort of attack. Random idiots are unavoidable. In fact I think there's a little clip in the movie Independence Day where a news anchor was warning people not to shoot at the ship because it could ignite a war. Needlessly going back to my previous rant about aliens, that movie also had naked, mind-reading aliens. Go figure.

    It would be pretty cool if we've already made contact with an alien species, concealing their presence in just the people who would matter to them. Imagine that this has gone on for years and then one day giant ships are entering our atmosphere and neither us or our alien friends have any idea who they are. Universe is a pretty big place, would be awesome to see multiple alien species in the same instance. Or imagine that they weren't even concerned about us, just two alien factions warping into our system, tearing through it in a gruesome battle that would last for weeks, then taking off as fast as they came, leaving behind wreckage for us to salvage. Imagine the curiosity we'd have after witnessing something like that. Our response time would make us look like slackers back in the space race. I should write sci-fi, or smoke less.
  4. Our first reaction: Shoot it.
  5. I guess i didn't. It is hard to read a tone through text. Least for me it is.

    But anyways.

    I actually don't think I'd be shitting my pants knowing for a fact at (at that point in time) that something has a much higher level of intelligence then our smartest people. I'd actually applaud it. Humans need to realize that we are not the holder of keys. If anything we are the slots the keys are placed in.

    What I mean by this is that we do not decide what happens in the world. Nature does. If there is a massive earthquake in the Midwest of the US that literally destroys everything in it's path, we can't change that. Humans like to think that they are better then nature. Weather Nature be Mother Nature or Aliens, they certainly are better then we are. Considering all the pollution and destruction we have laid in our path, I don't see Humanity being near the top of the "Best things in the Universe" List. But thats not to say humans are at the bottom of that list either. More in the middle. Since humanity seems to have a dividing line between good and evil I think it's safe to say for general purposes that humans in general are neither evil nor good.

    What I think it could be though as you mentioned mind reading in movies, is that Aliens could be of an entirely different mass then we are. They might not need to use kinetic vocalization. So I thin kin terms of aliens being able to read thoughts, it's neither here nor there. More a 'possible" thing. I can see how it's irritating though. But then again, it's not super irritating, least not to me.

    We shall know in time how Humanity will react to First Contact. All we can do is speculate.
  6. if ET's find us and are hostile then we are fucked.
  7. Assuming that humans can be an indication of how civilizations advance... they will probably come here with their religious beliefs and then start to eradicate people that don't follow them. Think The Covenant in the Halo series. Basically the aliens would be awesome, but just judging how retarded the vast majority of humans still are I see no reason to believe that a society even a million years more advanced wouldn't be plagued with stupid shit still.
  8. Age of Enlightenment - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    You said a million years?

    Try 200.
  9. Well since they are so much more advanced in all sciences i'm sure they would have rejected religion; you know, because science disproves it at every turn...

  10. If you are implying humans can only respond, and not act on their own accord, then I don't know what to say.

    I disagree completely, I think we all have a healthy fear of it when needed. I can't think of anything who would consider themselves "better" (I don't understand what you mean by that) than nature other than some mad scientist on top of a roof, attempting to harness it's power. You know what I'm talking about, you've seen that guy in some way or another.

    Better? In what context? Ethically? Morally? In either case nature would not enter, seeing as it can't have ethics and morale.

    I didn't really understand this either, and where it fits in with what you are saying. Seems like a tangent.

    Kinetic vocalization? I don't follow. Those are two completely different terms. Regardless, it's an easy and uncreative way to allow communication. Seriously, they make it out to be like it's more difficult to have a conversation with a deaf person than a god damn alien from across the galaxy. It's getting ridiculous. I mean name an alien movie, 9 times out of 10, they will either be naked, or they can read minds, or a combination of the both. Seeing it doesn't really annoy me, what annoys me is that we aren't exploring the topic matter of aliens NEARLY as much as we should. We just depict them as monsters, something for us to triumph over.

  11. I was drunk when all that was written so most of it might not make any sense. lol

    Kinetic - Physical.

    Vocalization - A way to communicate.

    Kinetic Vocalization - To speak using physical means. IE talking.

  12. You are wrong on the kinetic part. Google it and you'll see why I was scratching my head lol. But I understood what you meant anyway. Aliens that don't have mass, you might be interested in the movie, "The Darkest Hour" then.

    [ame=]'The Darkest Hour' Trailer HD - YouTube[/ame]
  13. It said Kinetic is pertaining to motion. I always thought it mean physical.
  14. If aliens make first contact, im loling in the faces of all the religous whackos. Then I hope they go crawl in a hole with their medievil practices.
  15. The surest sign that intelligent life exists elsewhere in the universe is that it has never tried to contact us.
    Bill Watterson

    Thats first and foremost^^

    ....but if they DID....I think the best way they could contact us is instantaneously through everyone in the world's mind.....yyyyyeahhhhhhh.

  16. They have contacted The men in black are real
  17. we would probably react with swiftness and violence with a dash of hatred for the unknown.

    i mean weve had numerous first contacts with indigenous species and lo and behold we almost always wipe them out. generally they were less advanced so we would probably get our asses handed to us by an alien species but, im pretty sure thats what our first and probably last play would be.

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