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How will I know how big a hit I got from Vape?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by ITNinja, Jan 20, 2010.

  1. Hey guys, Bought a vape for the first time and its comming tomorrow. How will I know how much pot to put in, Since I usually smoke snaps until im at a comfortable high. Also how will I know how big a hit ive taken. Normally I judge best on how much I cough, But I dont think you cough with a vape right?
  2. You can do little snap bowls in a vape too. just put in a little bit, vape till it doesnt vape anymore, dump it out (save it, u can make teas, smoke it and other things with ur vaped weed). Also by gauging how big ur hits are, just take short deep hits. Or if ur looking to get blasted, just keep inhaling ur hit untill u can't breath anymore, thats the best part of a vape :devious:
  3. Put .2-.3 in there, and pack it down GENTLY. Not only does the heat setting play a role in the final temperature, but so does the speed at which you pull. If you pull too slow you will burn it or come close to burning it.
    Remember that you never "smoke" from a vaporizer. If you dont have much experience with them then its easy to burn/almost burn without noticing at all.
    Unlike smoke, holding in vapor until nothing is exhaled WILL get you higher.
    So its best to aim for light misty medium sized hits that you can hold in until your lungs have absorbed ALL of the vapor. Since you cant see how much you inhaled once you exhale by doing this. You will just have to take very small, thin light hits and hold them, within 10-20 minutes you will feel it. The high is not instant like smoking is either. Make sure to have a jar where you store all of your already vaped bud.
    You should be able to see barly anything if you did exhale, its easier to see if you breathe out in front of a dark surface. It WONT feel anything like smoke, so dont aim for really thick hits because then you defeat the purpose of a vaporier.
  4. its not like you actually dont see anything at all its actually quite dense and still not really anything like smoke at all. if your vaping and you hardly see anything or its very light your not using the weed/vape to its potential at all
    although i only have a lot of experience with a volcano
  5. Actually I get the most out of my bud with a vape by taking many small hits that I can hold in until nothing is exhaled. THAT is using it to its full potential.
    Volcano has a higher air:vapor ratio, where whip style vapes have a more concentrated stream of air flow, thus the vapor is more condensed and you dont need HUGE hits like with a volcano.
  6. Cool, I appreciate all the cool info. It's going to help me alot when I get this.

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