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How weedy does weed smell when you are drying it?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by ahh420, Jan 15, 2010.

  1. I know it must smell like weed. But how strong is the smell? or does it not smell as strong as i think...?

    (I dunno I if i should post this in the growing forum or where to post it. D: sorry if this is the wrong place.)
  2. my friend had some stuff that had been cut a week prior to him getting it so it was definitely still damp when he got it and lost a good little chunk of weight. It made his bathroom smell pretty strong of weed with a window open. Just try and find out, if you are worried about smell id be careful because it will be noticeable
  3. Bro, I got some shit that stinks through 4 baggies right here... fucking expensive, but you can get completely blazed on like... I dunno .3 grams maybe?

    Hide yours in your attic/loft/basement insome cardboard boxes wrapped in tissue paper, that worked post one of my low ryder experiments (I can't recommend that strain for a grower enough, but it's not my fave to smoke.).

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