How to use a cooltube?

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by datkidganga, Jan 20, 2010.

  1. Hey guys. im getting my grow cabinet ready which is 14" W 25" L and 40"H. Im putting in this 150hps from htg supply (to keep the remote ballast outside the cab) along with the cooltube reflector.

    High Tech Garden Supply

    Hi-Tech Garden Supply

    However, i have some basic questions about the cooltube. What is the most proper way to hook up a cooltube as far was which way the air should be pulling to where the fan is mounted. Do you use insolated ducting? Where do you cut exhaust and intake holes to go outside the cab? Also, with the cooltube and remote ballast im not thinking heat should be a problem within the cab even though its small. How should i do the ventilation for the cab if heat shouldnt be an issue? Thanks guys
  2. Intake low

    Exhaust high heat rises

    Run your fan pulling through the light and out the cabinet

    You do want ventilation a 150 in that area will get hot.:D

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