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How to toke on the beach

Discussion in 'Marijuana Consumption Q&A' started by Roflspammer, Aug 13, 2012.

  1. So I'm going to a private beach with my family tomorrow and I want to smoke there without them knowing. I smoked on the beach before with friends but never near the rents. Usually I go under a towel and smoke my dugout. Is this a good idea? The last thing I want is to get caught by the cops, but since it's a private NJ beach I don't think there are cops.

    Also, will there be a smell around me? Or will the wind instantly get disperse it?
  2. Just go out of site on the beach. You will be fine. I live in oregon and smoked on the beach around a bunch of people.
  3. Joints on the beach!
  4. Are you planning on doing this during the day with your family on the beach with you?
  5. I went under a towel once and cause it was windy so I just acted like I was trying to like a cigarette by going like dammit it wont light but the whole time i was smoking my pipe.
  6. say "im going for a quick walk" and refuse to allow anyone to come with you. bring your towel with you 'in case you decide to get in the water'. once completely out of site, dig a small hole or something to comfortably sit in, cover yourself with the towel, and have fun!
  7. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Smoking on the beach is extremely hard. It's not the fact of the smell that you need to worry about.
    It's the wind.
    Wind on beaches are ridiculous, whether it being constantly blowing, or gusts. It's still a bitch, it's like impossible to light a bowl unless you do it inside of your shirt, but then you will reek. Then there is sand blowing everywhere, getting on everything, EVERYTHING. It's just gross. You taste the graininess on your teeth, it's just in enjoyable. A joint will get smoked by the wind and or go out fast, alot of wasted smoke. And blunts, if not rolled properly will cave and such.

    MY recommendation is just smoking a bowl up by the condo, somewhere stealthy but with a wind block, leaving all your tools and buddah up there. Then going and chilling on the beach, its much easier; not to mention a lot less room for mistakes and lost herb.

    But take my advice with a grain of sand. Haha. Get it. ;)
  8. Ive only done it once and learned quickly what a trouble the wind is. I had a joint and lighter. It was 6am, no one was out. I just set an alarm and did it before any of my family was up and watched the sunrise. Tip: bring iPod and headphones and listen to music (don't get lost count how many minutes you walk). But i couldn't light that dam thing worth shit. I ended up digging a hole and burring my head in there. It eventually lit but it was no easy task. You might have to relight if you wait a while between hits.
  9. this is how i do it: always use a glass pipe. never a J or blunt. use a zippo lighter, you'll need it if you plan on getting your bowl lit without having to build a sand fort. just stay away from people u don't know. simple as that. every week where i live people go to a local beach and they have a drum circle with a couple hundred people, lots of people there get high. the lifeguards go away at sunset, the cops are minimal because it is a major tourist beach (except for holiday weekends)
  10. therell definitely be somewhere a little further inland... just say youre going for a walk, leave the beach once your outta site, then blaze
  11. My mission was successful and the beach was amazing. I just walked back about 20 yards and there was a nice secluded spot by the dunes. Dugout worked like a charm and I was high as fuq without any suspicions. I did get really paranoid during the whole sesh, but it was worth it. Body surfing is amazing. I didn't go under towel because it seemed sketchy with the smell. If I ghosted it maybe; but I can't ghost for shit, I end up coughing and getting a headache. Thanks for the help!
  12. The Japanese used the method of tunneling under and around the beaches when the allies were establishing ground on their soil. I would try this same approach.
  13. eat a brownie.

  14. Always smoking on the beach, the beach goes amazing with anything, and everything.

    NJ eh? come stop by Atlantic City :cool:
  15. dugouts are where its at.. take a walk you'll be ok!
  16. An apple pipe?then just dip the apple.
  17. why smoke when you can eat ;)
  18. ^^^ this! depends on what beach too though. I went to a beach in Oxnard, Ca and it literally went like this:

    *pack bowl*
    *attempt to light it*
    *winds blows my packed bowl away*
    *chase weed for ~10 minutes before giving up*
    *packs another bowl*

    and then the cycle repeated for like 3 times until I just gave up and left. I probably lost most of my weed that day lol

    but in all seriousness find a spot where there's no wind at least.. I tried to smoke under a bench but honestly I looked like a crackhead and it didn't even work. If you find a nice spot though, I say go for it :hello:
  19. Idk how you all had trouble with wind. I packed my dugout, faced te opposite direction I the wind and lit. If the wind got to strong I just cupped my hand

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