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How to throw a nice stoner party

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by i heart herb, Feb 3, 2011.

  1. Ok so me and my homies are gonna get together one night and smoke im throwing like a little party its only gonna be 5 people plus me and i was wondering what else we could do to "enhance"our buzz :smoke:
  2. Did this a few times with my friends.

    Had about 7-10 of us in my friends garage with a few bongs and a few pipes and a joint going around in a circle. Turned out good because everyone had atleast a dime of dank with them.:hello:
  3. It doesn't take much to make a stoner happy just have something simple for everyone to do as a group.. Me and my friends play russian roulette with my Nerf dart gun.. Shits intense lol
  4. One word: HOOKAH

    No but seriously, make sure to get a lot of food and soda beforehand, and try to get as many pieces going at a time (say bong, joint and bowl all being passed around)
  5. LOTS OF WEED... And some bear traps... Cops
  6. Im getting a quater of some fire bud we are just gonna chill listen to some hendrix do a few other things ya know just veg out:smoke:
  7. Me and my friends played poker last summer alot. The game won't be intense at all but you guys will be having a blast just chilling.
  8. 1. A lot of weed
    2. A lot of muchies
    3. A lot of pipes/papers running at the same time
    4. ?????
    5. Profit.
  9. on 420 me and my buds are buying 2 oz and a oz of mids makeing weed butter brownies cookies all of the above 2 xboxes a 50 inch lcd my 12 inch bong pipes waterfall mflb like 3 of them we will all get so faded lol
  10. Strobe light :smoke:

    But if you get really baked its not that great, its way 2 fucking freaky haha
  11. Its been said but drinks and munchies imo are priority number one. Obviously you got a computer and internet - youtube has a lot to offer. My friends and I laugh are asses off watching misc funny videos.

  12. hahah
  13. Be sure to have some cherry coke's :smoke:
  14. Sex, lots of sex...with women...multiple.:ey::yummy:
  15. Man I wish I had some stoner friends. All my friends only smoke when I invite them :/

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