How to survive getting caught (A Guide)

Discussion in 'General' started by Aud, Jul 3, 2007.

  1. So you have just been caught, but you don't want to quit smoking, what should you do?

    First off who have you been caught by? If its the law then I cannot help you there. If it is parents/siblings or something like that then I can offer some advice.

    First thing you need to do after you get caught is assess how much trouble you are in. If your parents just say "Don't do it again" and don't check on you again then you should just be a little more careful. If your parents are about to send you away/drug test you then you need to get a gameplan. Planning can be quite hard, so I have decided to make a little walk through of what my plan was and how I have survived to smoke again.


    ----1 You have just been caught
    -1.1 What to do first
    -1.2 Hiding any devices/stash

    ----2 Getting ready to smoke again
    -2.1 Getting your stash back
    -2.2 Re-entry into smoking

    ----3 Where to smoke now?
    -3.1.0 In car smoking
    --3.1.1 In car stash
    --3.1.2 In car smell deterrence
    --3.1.3 In car utilities

    -3.2.0 At home smoking
    --3.2.1 Smoke places at home
    --3.2.2 Stashing at home

    ----4 Getting by your parents
    -4.1 If they drug test
    -4.2 Coming home baked
    -4.3 Gaining their trust.

    1.1 What to do first?
    So your parents caught you, the first thing you should to is talk to them, and if they want you to quit tell them you will and you only tried it once or twice. Some parents will read research so if you e-mail them reports about pot not being too bad they may be nicer to you.

    1.2 Hiding any devices/stash
    The moment you get alone time after you have been caught round up all your pipes/papers/grinders and pot and either give them to your best friends or hide them REALLY well. Preferably in some woods if you have to. Just get your shit out of the house and to some place they wont look. Getting rid of your stuff for now will help you ALOT and will ease your mind ten fold knowing that they will not find evidence and you can lie about how much you have smoked. Now wait till your household has chilled out about your smoking and they don't talk about it much. Maybe a few days.

    2.1 Getting your stash back
    Alright, so everything is calm, but you are still on thin ice with your parents. Before you get your stuff back from a friend or wherever you had it prep your stash space. Take time to find a new one (if they found your old one) and make sure it is perfect before you bring your stuff back. Then when you are alone bring all your contraband back to your house and stash it.

    2.2 Re-entry into smoking
    So your parents are still watching you, but you feel safe enough to smoke. Start by not taking any stuff out of your house with you, but maybe a little weed. If you smoke and are coming home do not be too baked. And when you are about 5 min from home just relax. Get into a sober mindset and listen to boring things like NPR or something that wont give you any emotions or feelings. BE STOIC!

    3.1.0 In Car smoking
    So you don't wanna smoke at home, and you can't smoke at your friends home. The next best place is in your car, but if your parents go in your car there are a few things you should be wary of. First off, if you have a friend who smokes all the time in his car, it would be best to roll around with him, but if not then always smoke with the windows down, and carry a few things in your car.

    3.1.1 In car stash
    So you need to find a good place to hide your shit in your car. Never come into your house with your shit, leave it in your car in a GOOD hiding place. Hide everything BEFORE you leave to go home, or make a stop before you get home in a quiet neighborhood and hide it, but just make sure it is a good spot.

    3.1.2 In car smell deterrence
    So if you smoked in your car, FIRSTLY make sure that all your windows + sunroof (if applicable) were down when you were smoking. Keep them down afterwards for more air ventilation, and turn your ac up all the way and bring air in from the outside. Drive home like this, and maybe put your arm a little out the window and make sure air gets inside of the car.

    3.1.3 In car utilities
    You should always carry a few items in your car with you. Firstly you should keep an extra shirt somewhere in your car in case you smell so bad you gotta change clothes. Secondly you need COLOGNE! Spray yourself down before you go home, and spray a little bit inside your car, and if you are worrying about smelling strongly you shouldn't because you will be driving home with the windows down. Thirdly you need GUM. Put a few pieces of some minty gum in before you go home. Lastly you need EYE DROPS! Hide these good, and put them in about 10min before you will be home. ALSO user ROY G BIV has also noted how your fingers reek after smoking a blunt or a joint, and says PURELL HAND SANITIZER helps get rid of that stink.

    3.2.0 At home smoking
    Make sure no one will be home, and no one is at home. Go outside somewhere, smoke, make sure you don't leave anything outside and that you put out all your ashes.

    3.2.1 Smoke places at home
    DO NOT SMOKE OUT IN THE OPEN, EVEN IN YOUR BACK YARD! Make sure you are not easily seen, and that your smoke is not easily seen. Easy enough

    3.2.2 Stashing at home
    Outside stashes around your home is good if no one goes in bushes around your house. If it is inside then try to stash it somewhere in your room or garage next to your car.

    4.1 If your parents drug test.
    Now getting by drug tests is hard work. The easiest thing I have found is to GET A JOB! You may not like it, but its what you need to do. Get a job at a place where they don't drug test, and then just tell your parents that they do drug test. Your job tests frequently and you passed it. This should get them off your back. If you dont want to get a job them find a friend who doesn't smoke, get him to pee for you. Get the piss. Now keeping it warm is the tough part. What you can do is take one of those snack sandwich baggies and put a little bit of piss in there. Then what you should do is boil some water, and put in a few tablespoons (2) of boiling water into the snack baggie with the piss. Pocket it and go to the bathroom.

    4.2 Coming home baked
    Now if you are really baked and you reek of pot what you should do is spray the cologne, drive around with the windows down, and about 5-10 min before you are home start becoming really calm and sober-like, stop and put your eyedrops in and maybe sit for a bit. Make sure everything is put up and turn the radio on something boring (NPR!) and just relax. As soon as you get home change into some pajamas if it is late at night. If it is during the day then take a shower.

    4.3 Gaining their trust
    About a month after you getting caught everything should be back to normal, and your parents may still not trust you a little bit, but to avoid that you can do many simple things. Come home not high a few days of the month and talk to them a bit and just chill. Do not go out so frequently (unless you always went out, even before you smoked) and just talk to them more. Be open about your smoking past (or so they thing) and be ALOT nicer to them.

    If you guys have been caught and are using this, good luck. :wave:
  2. i believe this forum is 18+ so i doubt this pertains to anyone here :rolleyes:
  3. nice guide Aud, i hate people who assume people are under 18, they have agreed to terms of service and they have to be 18 to be on this site. i trust peoples honesty by being over 18 simply by being on this forum.
    some people still live with their parents or room mates and need to be able to have good tactics for stashing things and advice on getting caught.
  4. Nice work dude, but dcdude does have a point.
  5. Still, some people 18+ live with their parents.
  6. i really don't like when people say this because im 18 and still live at home, as i just graduated high school and am off to college in the fall. theyre paying for my tuition so its not like i can just move out. i know im now officially an adult, but its still my parents house so i need to live with their rules, and if they are against it then i need to hide it from them
  7. Nice guide, and seriously, people over 18 definitely still live with their parents. Ever heard of coming home for the summer from college? And why do people care if people are under 18 anyway? Smoking weed is illegal regardless of age and if someone is acting mature and under 18, I don't see a problem with that.
  8. i would also like to add something in part 3.1.3. - purell hand sanitizer, if your smoking a joint my fingers always reek, but as soon as you put this stuff on it goes away. but other then that great job on the guide.+rep
  9. Sure thing man, any additions are accepted! :hello:
  10. shit this would have helped me a year ago
  11. 18 year olds can still be at home

    And while we may not want underage users here they are here and as far as I see it their still a fellow toker of mine and shouldnt be denied help especially while they need it

    We break the law of our city when we toke and some people break our laws when they register here

    As long as their here I support helpin em
  12. Yeah, I'm 18 and I'm leaving in the fall ut until then I have to avoid getting caught. One thing I've found that works if I come home way too blazed is to just lock myself in the bathroom for a while and pretend to take a shit to give myself some time to sober up and keep adding more eyedrops and such.
  13. ^^^haha that has saved my ass there is usually something to spray the smell away in the bathroom
  14. Good Guide Man.

    If you get caught, just ask your mom and/or dad if they will blaze with you.

    Keep Token!
  15. Yeah I've been caught before... Its come to the point where nobody really cares anymore.

    Whatever, when I start college in the fall I'll have my own apartment to smoke in :smoking:

    Anyways, boiling water doesnt do anything to your pee. At best it would break down more THC metabolite out of any fat excretes in your piss. Meaning you'll be more prone to fail. Just use someone elses piss and keep it warm.
  16. :smoke:very nice. You perfectly described what I have been doing the last two months since I got caught.

    I'm baked.
  17. thats the softest shit ive ever seen
  18. yeah right dude. im not putting a sandwich bag of piss in my pocket:confused:
  19. lol yeah I like smoking and all but when it comes to the point my hobby makes me put sandwich baggies of piss in my pocket
  20. this guide should be called the stoners cookbook lol, all that sneeky shit in one guide :cool:.

    you may want to add that a sploof is a life saver wherever you are especially when made out of a water bottle. a guide to make that is here. ~GNR

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