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How to store weed properly?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by MrFourTwenty, Mar 25, 2012.

  1. I'm looking to pick up and O tomorrow or Monday, And I know its gonna last me a LONG ass time! I usually get 1/8 but fuck it now I have money to spend since I won at the casino tonight :hello: . I'm getting dank, and I want to know how should I store my weed so it doesn't go bad? Or is it even possible to go bad?
    Hope you guys had a good night though :smoke:
  2. Mason jar....and a hydrometer
  3. Air tight, some sort of jar with a silicone seal around the lid. Light Proof, put that air tight container some were completely dark, and somewhere cool.
  4. as long as its completely dry it will be fine in a mason jar.jus check on it every now and then so it doesnt get too funky or you can keep it in the fridge or freezer if its gnna b months

  5. Mason jars do not work as good as something with a silicone sealed lid. Also never store your bud in the freezer, ruins trichomes and taste. Bud can be stored for around 4 months in a dark, cool place with no affect to its potency. Good bud is cured for about 3 months before its ever smoked.
  6. you can keep weed in mason jars for years and have it be fine nothing is better than a mason jar for storing weed.
  7. how long will dro last in just a baggy?
  8. As everyone has said, go with a mason jar. I keep all my bud in it and it's never gone bad.
  9. put rice in it to soak up water. I heard that works
  10. I got these little half pint mason jars, and i put an 8th in each since thats what i smoke a week normally. Then I vacume seal the jars, normally like 3 since i buy halfs. I put the jars in the very back of my minifridge. They stay in the dark and cold perfectly sealed and waiting till i need them.
  11. I'm pretty sure the rice idea doesn't work. Just keep it in an airtight container and u'll be good man
  12. Just keep it somewhere dark and cool, heat ruins potency...i had to learn that the hard way.
  13. I was given weed in tin foil last week, still keeping very nice and much better than a baggy. I use a pill bottle usually but I really want a jar, I can only ever find them in bulk.
  14. I use film canister/pill bottle, the grinder, and the fridge in ziplock bags.
  15. glass mason jar with a rubber seal thing. then if your planning to keep it for a while stuck the mason jar in a cool dark place
  16. [quote name='"punkshorty27"']I got these little half pint mason jars, and i put an 8th in each since thats what i smoke a week normally. Then I vacume seal the jars, normally like 3 since i buy halfs. I put the jars in the very back of my minifridge. They stay in the dark and cold perfectly sealed and waiting till i need them.[/quote]

    Don't place the jars in the fridge, that's bad for the weed. Alot of the crystals & keif fall off, decreasing the potency of your marijuana.

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