how to stop things eating my leaves

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Outdoors' started by rtlshred, Jun 30, 2009.

  1. on my plant outside it looks like some animal or bug is eating my plant. A lot of the leaves have bite in them! How do I stop this?
  2. Bug spray safe for vegtables.

    Good Luck.
  3. Not sure where you live, but here in Cali we have issues with white flies, aphids, and caterpillars munching on our beautiful plants. If this is the case in your garden. You can use a deluted natural plant based pyrithrine, mixed with a natural oil soap and mist undersides of leaves with this mixture. do this every week or so as part of regular care, But stop using 2 weeks before harvent. also.. place sticky fly paper at the base of each plant around the edge of the pot. The caterpillars will absolutely destroy the potentcy of the buds in your harvest if you dont get them under controll early. The white flies and aphids will rob your plants of cloraphil and nutrients.
    This year our problem is being solved in several ways. so far so good!
    First..We put up an old pre made gazebo frame, ran slightly clouded plastic over the top and bought a clear fitted zippered screen for all sides. We make sure to zip up right away when entering or exiting. The Ground is also covered in a reflective palstic glued to a wood frame along with the netting at the base. Cost less than two hundred dollars to build. Plants can get up to 10 ft inside. The 10x10 structure comfotably holds up to 10 lush large plants. Early on we used our mixture to make sure stray bugs didn't sneak in. Now we no longer need it we just let a couple of lady bugs hang out inside and take care of any remaining pests.
    Hope this helps... If the issue is with some other type of pests then I'm not sure. Good Luck hope you can get the pests under controll and have an awsome harvest ;)

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