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How to stop anxiety when smoking?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by piffcity, Oct 8, 2014.

  1. I used to smoke a lot years ago, went through a phase of smoking basically every day and loved it. I'd get really talkative, laugh a lot, get the munchies, all the stereotypical stuff. Then I stopped smoking weed for about a year or two and now I only smoke casually. Probably about once or twice a month on average. The problem is now when I smoke I usually have a very hard time fighting anxiety, to the point where it's starting to not be worth smoking. I usually get very lethargic, cannot engage in conversation and overthink everything and freak out. I already know a lot of you will tell me it's because my tolerance went down and it's because of that, but it isn't the same, and I've tried only smoking very very small amounts and it changed nothing. Is there anything I can do to enjoy weed again?

  2. #2 Infinite Experience, Oct 8, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 8, 2014
     Have you tried hash before? Hash usually has a cleaner and more enjoyable high, I'd recommend some bubble hash, it usually gets rid of my anxiety, and it's always good to mix it up.
  3. 1. Smoke less
    if that doesnt work :
    2. take smaller hits
    if that doesnt work
    3. stop overthinking this the weed helps with anxiety doesnt cause it
    if that doesnt work
    4. stop using weed, or try another consumption method
  4. just had a very enjoyable session. just basically kept telling myself to relax and right now having one of the best highs ive had in a while
  5. That's why I vouch for steamrollers. They're harsh as shit, so it forces you to control how much you take in. I take 1/3 of what I usually do off a bong rip, but my high is way more enjoyable.

    Also, have you been smoking alone or with friends? Are you afraid of being caught? Are the lights off (should be on)? Think of your high self as a 6 year old kid. What would scare them? Cuz its the same stuff that'll scare you and make you anxious/paranoid
  6. Listen to music while high. Chill and happy music will heavily influence your mood and keep you distracted from over-thinking everything.
  7. Give it awhile, drugs can bug you out sometimes.
  8. #8 sammyjohollywood, Oct 10, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 10, 2014
    I have anxiety issues and have had attacks before and they fucking suck!!!! I always think I'm dying which isn't how I want to feel when trying to relieve some stress. The best method I have come up with is starting off the morning when I first wake up, I normally don't get baked but just enough to get a little buzz. I concentrate on the things I need to do and I do them. Then say I'm going to a friend's house I'll smoke a little before I go and then I'll smoke with them but it's a process getting to that point. I've also noticed that not smoking as much helps, also training yourself you should be alone since you get a social anxiety. I get it to and it really helps to kinda build up a tolerance and just be yourself and reteach yourself not to get freaked out. you just have to tell yourself that your fine and concentrate on something else if you feel it coming on. Don't freak out when ur heart drops into your stomach. Just play on your phone for a little bit until it goes away. It really helps, I've been there and still deal with it but I've found a system to kinda manage it for myself. I hope it works for you.

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  9. Try a strain rich in CBD

    Sorta clears your racey head feeling from THC but you get an awesome relaxed high

    THC and CBD sorta compliment each other

    Exactly!  When i smoked sativa i got severe anxiety attacks almost every time, now i only smoke high CBD indica and i'm having a blast everytime i smoke! No anxiety at all, just pure heaven!  :hippie:
  11. #11 New Destination, Oct 10, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 10, 2014
    For me, edibles have worked better than bud does for anxiety, so maybe give them a try. 
    If you have access to a dispensary, check out Korova and Buddhas Best.

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