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How to stop a comedown.

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Maximillien127, Mar 14, 2012.

  1. So about 7 hours ago I hit the gravity bong fast and hard and got super high. Now I am experiencing a come-down and all I want to do is go to bed. It's 6pm and I can't just go to bed. Do any of you know how I can wake up a bit and stop feeling so drained. I've already drank two pints of coffee. :(
  2. you have to go do something active. try going for a walk and drinking some water
  3. i dunno about you but when i'm coming down from a high i fall asleep really easily.
  4. a come down? you aint snortin blow bro
  5. Should smoke a bowl and watch a movie or listen to some music to kill some time then sleep like a baby
  6. youre pretty muh going to be tired for a couple hours. shower, eat, and exercise
  7. i second this.

  8. .... i want my high to last 7 hours ...
  9. It's not called coming's called being washed.

    Coming down is usually related to unmentionables.

    Smoke some more...or don't smoke so early in the day if your such a lightweight.
  10. Smoke more.
  11. [quote name='"washedmothafuka"']It's not called coming's called being washed.

    Coming down is usually related to unmentionables.

    Smoke some more...or don't smoke so early in the day if your such a lightweight.[/quote]

    No it's called coming down.
    And smoking more wont really help, after about an hour and a half, if you smoke again you'll just plateau and feel like you wasted your weed.
  12. go snort a quarter ounce of blow for 14-16 hours then come back to us when you feel like dying and can't even fall asleep

  13. thats a comedown
  14. The term come down goes for anything. Not just certain drugs.
  15. Try eating a grapefruit?
  16. And I just noticed, if you want to wake up, be active. Go jog around the block, you'll be up.
  17. How about you man up and tough through it?

    Sitting on the internet asking for help wont get you anywhere...
  18. [quote name='"DirtyB"']

    No it's called coming down.
    And smoking more wont really help, after about an hour and a half, if you smoke again you'll just plateau and feel like you wasted your weed.[/quote]

    What are you talking about? Lol...w/e you say man...just because it's a certain way for you doesn't make it the same for everyone else brother.
  19. I usually wait 4 hours between smoking.

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