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How To Stay High Longer

Discussion in 'Seasoned Marijuana Users' started by Toker., Feb 25, 2013.

  1. Here are a few tips to help you stay high longer and thereby conserve weed:

    Pre-Munch: Eat a meal ~2 hours before smoking. You won't be completely done digesting, but you won't get the munchies as soon or as hard after smoking.

    Pre-Jerkoff: I know this may seem weird, but if you tend to get horny after smoking, this will get it out of the way. Orgasm lowers your high after the rush has faded.

    Get your video game, movie, laptop, or other activity set up before smoking - eliminating any form of effort or thought to take you out of the zone. Also have a drink ready for the cotton mouth.

    Keep a stable body temperature - if your body is trying to keep warm, it's raising your metabolism and using THC faster.

    Stash any paraphernalia not needed for smoking before lighting up, so all you have to worry about is a lighter and or a pipe/bong once you're done.
  2. All good tips man.
  3. Yes I agree. I think it's funny how we can get so distracted right after we smoke That's why I like to have music on to keepm me tuned to something
  4. damn, all good ideas but I usually just... smoke.

  5. very nice tips, this is similar to what i do.

    like if i want to go on my laptop, but i want to smoke a blunt, i set up my game and join a server, and then when im done smoking i just hop on (well really i drag my lifeless corpse to the laptop and try to manage to focus on the screen while trippin balls)
  6. What I do is I smoke and when you hit you peak smoke again, after the rush of getting high is gone I personally think smoking more (but not too much) just makes you a bit higher and makes you higher for longer.

    Try it.

    Sent from above
  7. also, corner the bowl pleeeease. i hate it when i'm smoking with someone and they just torch the bowl in the first hit.
  8. Exactly what I do before I light up.

  9. something easier: EATING MANGOES :)

  10. Beat me too it! Also I recommend taking hits a few minutes after each other, maybe not a super head rush but you'll stay high longer. :smoking:
  11. you forgot the smoking more weed part
  12. I feel like these things probably make a pretty negligible difference, but way to go after the margins! Mangoes do seem to help, but that could also be a placebo effect after reading it here. I'll have to try that a couple more times to be sure it's having a measurable effect on me.
  13. Am I the only one who didn't find any of those to be related towards "staying higher longer" besides the body temp tidbit?
    This thread should've been called "ways to save time before getting high".
    And how would an orgasm lower your high?
    You'd still be high..
  14. Good list, I would add: hold your hits in as long as possible.
  15. take 1-2 grams of Omega-3 an hour before getting baked and ye shall see the light!!!!!!!!!! lol no really it does help quite a bit for getting the most out of your supply.
  16. I suggest making a sandwich or cook before you smoke :) Your future self will thank you lol
  17. i would add if you have a bong take 1 big hit every half of hour
  18. i hear that often, but just as often i hear that it doesn't matter if you hold your hit for 2 seconds or 2 minutes.
    also, could holding in your hits just contribute to a head rush to make you feel higher? like, it might not necessarily be the extra absorption of THC, but just the lack of oxygen getting to your brain.
  19. use a pax! and its like no effort at all and conserves soooo much
  20. Great ideas. Will def consider them.

    Toke up.

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