How to start an online weed delivery service?? please help!

Discussion in 'Marijuana Business and Industry' started by DanK19811, Jul 4, 2019.

  1. Hello,

    I am in Ontario Canada and I have been seeing so many online weed delivery services that are selling things that are currently not allowed (concentrates / edibles / etc). I was wondering how you go about making an online business to sell weed. I have connections that have can sell me lbs of good quality weed for a huge discounted price (700-800 / lb). Are these sites selling weed / concentrates made by billy down the street or as part of getting a business license do they have to buy / sell only from legal LP's? Please any help in this matter would be greatly appreciated as I would really like to get into this industry and seeing as how I am not a millionaire I cant get a license for a legal LP / microcultivation at this time. But like I said I do have those old connections that are dropping lbs for really cheap. PLEASE HELP!
  2. Do you guys have Weedmaps the app up their? U can pay to get listed I don’t even think you need a real license as long as u pay the monthly fee they will put up ur buisness an menu
  3. Start listening to Canadian weed podcasts and weed business blogs to find out who's in the business and learn about the business of.
  4. #4 Papa Puff, Jul 14, 2019
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 15, 2019
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