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How to sober up

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by nstyle, Nov 20, 2011.

  1. got school tomorrrow and wanna be sober
  2. stop getting high.
  3. hang upside down and drink water. definately works
  4. The fuck? Really?

    You will be sober tomorrow.
  5. Smoke more so you run out by tomorrow
  6. You're screwed, man. Everyone at school will be able to tell that you smoked
  7. im high for like a weekk usually

    ur fucked
  8. im high for like a weekk usually

    ur fucked

  9. agreed.
  10. your completely fucked. dont you know a weed high lasts for days? you will most likley not sleep tonight and you will probably sell all your shit and stab your mom for money so you can buy more weed.

  11. Yeah bro your fucked.
  12. Drink an entire Redline energy drink bro. The recommended dose is 1/2 the can for a SHITTON of energy, but you sound desperate so drink the whole thing bro. Weed gets you high for a night, and a buzz for a month. Didnt you hear bro?
  13. Dumb thread. Don't drink and smoke for the rest of the day obviously.....
  14. Lol I've never EVER felt justified in typing "TROLL" but this must....absolutely MUST be a troll thread.
  15. bro havent you heard of smoking yourself sober? thats what you gotta do. right before you leave to go to school, smoke like a full gram of some DANK and your brain will get so much thc in it itll start flushing all the thc and youll just feel normal.
  16. [quote name='"INeeedMoney"']your completely fucked. dont you know a weed high lasts for days? you will most likley not sleep tonight and you will probably sell all your shit and stab your mom for money so you can buy more weed.


    Been there done that..
  17. I would like to apologize for the OP's post on behalf of my fellow Canadians. OP in no way or form represents the majority of Canadians who are hard working people most of which are not asshats.

  18. haven't we all :devious:
  19. Why would you wanna be sober for school?

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