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how to smoke without having to worry about the smell

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by J4K3ST3R, Jan 3, 2013.

  1. #1 J4K3ST3R, Jan 3, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 3, 2013
    hey blades, i always see these threads about how i got caught, or how do i smoke in my room or something?

    well, this is very simple, but i figured id share the knowledge that most of you guys probably could have thought of yourself...

    open your window a tiny bit, and get yourself a piece of paper and role up a small cone shaped tube. and stick it out the window, and you could even put it through the blinds, and just blow your smoke out the tube.
    if you really wanted to go wild go to walmart and get some of their acrylic tubing for fish tanks and get about 3 feet of it or more and hang it out your window. and put like a jacket or a towel arcoss the rest of the bottom of the window so you dont let any of this winter air in...
  2. or go get a smoke buddy and stay warm:)
  3. Smell coming off what ever you are smoking is enough to make the room smell for anyone who does not smoke

    having that filtered bounty fresh smoke blown back into your room is going to be hard to explained..

    save urself the trouble and walk ur lazy ass outside... its not that hard lol
  4. I respect where I live, I go outside

  5. Ever try smoking outside in the woods?.....
  6. gas mask filter as a sploof ftw.
  7. Lean out the window and blow up :)

    ...Although that probably only works for me because my window faces the backyard and nobody outside can see to it.
  8. I do this but I just stick a 1 meter long garden hose out my window and exhale into that. Works awesomely and saves me from standing up to blow out the window. :cool:

  9. lol, ill be doing this soon:p

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