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how to smoke this hash

Discussion in 'Marijuana Consumption Q&A' started by I am the Pot, Aug 10, 2012.

  1. I'm not sure what kind of hash this is but what I did to smoke it was light it so it was crumbly and not hard put the small crumbled hash in my slide with a filter and it worked well I think

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  2. sprinkle it over your bowl of dank.
  3. Heading out to Get dank right now thanks and do you know what this hash is called
  4. put it in a joint/bowl and smoke it?
  5. Man i have no idea.. I have had some that looked similar to that before but i dont know what kind of hash it is or what process was used to make it.
  6. Nah don't do what these people said.

    Break off little chunks and roll it into little "snakes". Top it with on a bowl or just smoke it by itself. Don't put the flame right on it. Keep it about a centimeter away from the flame and it should just kind of melt. You will get a lot more smoke than you think.

    Rub it in your hands and it should get pretty warm and soft, break off a Small ball and roll it out into a snake and then top your bowl or fit it into your bowl.
  7. ^That's it.

    Though I wouldn't put it right in a bowl by itself as it can melt and clog the piece, in turn wasting the hash.

    Usually a piece the size of a bb is all I can take at once.
  8. It looks like bubble hash or some one sold u their 6 month supply of resin
  9. ^It should be bubble hash.
  10. [quote name='"Greg E"']I'm not sure what kind of hash this is but what I did to smoke it was light it so it was crumbly and not hard put the small crumbled hash in my slide with a filter and it worked well I think[/quote]

    Poke a hole in it with the round part of a pen than just slowly burn the bottom of the hash ... than just breathe the smoke comming out of it.
  11. Thanks for the help i rolled some into a toothpick shape and threw it in a joint
  12. ^ That's what I do with hash for joints
  13. yeah, if ur getting dank now sprinkle it over the bud and get RRIIIIIIIPPPPPEEEDDD!!!
  14. [quote name='"Turbozone"']yeah, if ur getting dank now sprinkle it over the bud and get RRIIIIIIIPPPPPEEEDDD!!![/quote]

    i anticipated that
  15. That's definitely bubble hash. Not exactly sure on the micron though. I've had some pineapple hash that was bubble and it looked exactly like that I love that stuff.

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