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how to smoke resin?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by foamXcore, Mar 6, 2007.

  1. Yes, resin is bad. That's why I left the warning, but if you are in a situation like mine, where your dealer is dead broke and asked me for a loan... I wouldn't normally do so ethnic like that, but hees been really good to me, so he has my weed money for the next two weeks, and I can't get any until he comes up with some to pay me back, and I know it was a stupid move, but that's what happens when you befriend your dealer... I only smoke resin when I have to, and I don't like it, I say everyone should follow that same idea...
  2. i have a strange (but effective) method of scraping resin, i use 2 pieces of an old coat hanger (which i bent to fit my pipe) and 2 old knives for getting the liquid off the wire pieces, and i use the 2nd knife to scrape all the resin off the 1st knife, so it ends up being a gooey ball of nasty when my pipe is clean. I pack a bowl half full of ash or bud (generally i have none when i scraping my pipes) put the ball in the middle of the bowl and blaze away! carefully inhaling so i dont get a mouthful of ash
  3. I clean my piece with ISO alcohol, By putting it in a plastic bag, and filling it with ISO until It is covered. After shaking it, I pour that onto a plate and evaporate the alcohol off, scrape the plate with a razor blade. I put that in wax paper and freeze it (or right back into the bong)
  4. my sink smokes all my resin at the moment, god damn fiend.
  5. [quote name='lamorea']you can do Bottle Tokes

    dude i read this, went and tried it with a cigarette and i dont smoke tobacco and i didnt have any weed so i couldnt use a joint, but that shit killed me it was soooo rough it seemed it was more cigarette smoke than it was resin smoke i even hit the cig to make it hot and more resin smoke went out but still it seemed like it was more tobacco. idk maybe ill try it with hash on a joint one day or maybe even resin on a joint but i dont know why i would smoke resin if i had weed...
    like i do now, toke up:bongin:
  6. use the little bobby pins that girls put in their hair you can bend it how ever you want and it is alot stronger than a paper clip it is also wider so you get more rez in one grab
  7. hey do any of you guys know if a crime lab could get a positive THC test from resin alone? or does it have to be weed to get a positive test result? i've heard there is almost no thc in resin but im wondering if there is enough for a crime lab to find it...
  8. yes you can most deffenatley bring resin to a crime lab and it will be positive they use resin in marijuana pipes to see if it was used for tobacco or marijuana if there is no marijunan or tobacco in the bowl
  9. The best way from my experiences is get a bucket bong with some dry resin. Tends to be smoother than a bong. Gets me ripped :wave:
  10. no. just no. pot has no health risks other than ... umm ... i cant think of any. rasin could be anything. its mainly the gunk from smoke , maybe some pot chunks , a little ash , and tar. i have nothing against smoking resin. ok so it tastes like shit and doesnt contain as much thc , but you can get high. i would smoke it but im a boxer so i need good lungs. smoking isnt helping that but at least its weed not tabbaco. and resin isnt that good for your lungs , but you wont die from it lol :smoke: hit that resin! = D
  11. There's a lot of different ideas on what is or isn't in resin, so I figured I'd give back to the community (does that count for community service?)

    - Nasty things in tobacco smoke like benzene, toluene, etc. are hydrocarbons that can form from combustion (adding oxygen plus energy = C H and O compounds). The chemical processing puts other stuff that can react similarly (more nasty stuff) or in ways that aren't present in a natural compount (new nasties). BUT benzene and toluene and lots of similar compounds are volatile organic solvents. They go in your lungs when you toke, but evaporate (usually quicker than isopropyl or ethyl alcohols) in the open air. There is most likely very little of this in resin proper, but will be present again when smoking the resin ball.

    - Lighter fluid is probably not in the resin ball. It's also volatile (evaporates noticeably at standard temp and pressure) for one, and secondly it's flammable. Butane that doesn't combust from the spark is probably traveling too fast, meaning you're busy inhaling it. What gets stuck in the resin initially is going to combust in a second when the hot flame gets it hot enough. Either way, you're still inhaling some lighter fluid when you hit things with a lighter.

    - Combustion byproducts that are solids and not flammable are totally in there. Numero uno is probably all the carbon from burning a bowl of plant. Secondary is uncombusted plant oil and matter from burning a bowl of plant. There's some other stuff, too, but it's further down the list and my chemistry doesn't extend that far.

    Why resin works and is gross:

    - All that uncombusted/unvaporized stuff with THC in it, either plant stuff with the original content or vaporized THC that got stuck in the resin-coated pipe like flypaper. It's like round two for the pot.

    - Since there's little original material to burn, you don't get the nice taste and fragrance from burning pot (like incense). All the "yummy" things are gone now, so all you get is the taste of carbon and lighter fluid. Resin is probably only grosser to hit because of what it lacks, not what it has, save for some of the ash.


    - A vaporizer vaporizes pot instead of combusting it, which is why it's so much healthier for you. Low oxygen content and high heat turns water and oils into gas, taking THC and such with it without reacting with oxygen to make things you didn't sign up for when you bought the sack.

    - Washing your resin/pipe with alchohol is probably much safer/healthier/more pleasant than scraping. Alchohol is a solvent (like benzene, but different polarity I think, and not a carcinogen), so things like THC and plant oils dissolve in it. The fibrous plant matter and soot don't, which is why you get flaky gunk. Just strain it to remove it and evaporate the solvent. If I was wrong, and there was benzene and such stuck in the resin that couldn't evaporate, it will dissolve into the alcohol as well, and then they'll be free to evaporate together, leaving a solvent free goo. Even if it's not perfect, it certainly filters out a lot of worthless materials.

    - Hitting the pipe differently can help, just google some stuff while high for a while. You can grind it fine into a one-hitter and hit slowly and gently with the flame not quite touching and vaporize without burning. Pot burns at like 450 F from what I've read, and 250-350 or so is where vaporizers camp at. Tickle the bowl instead of roasting it, and break it fine and use a screen and you can increase the ratio of vap to burn. Less high in the resin, more in the bud!

    Last thoughts: Smoking things isn't healthy by any means for most of those reasons above. Not to mention the heat of the smoke is damaging to your lungs quite a bit on its own (water pipe ftw). Vaporizing and eating are definitely the healthiest, and only involve the inherent dangers of marijuana use (like forgetting milk with the brownies), but smoking smartly in moderation isn't going to kill you. Smoking pot isn't exactly healthy, but neither are Doritos! :D

    J Effin' N
  12. I don't get why people think it's so bad to smoke resin, I mean most people only smoke it every once in awhile, so it's not going to be THAT bad if it is even bad, and who cares? It gets you high :hello:
  13. my sink smokes all my resin :laughing:
  14. Nice first post,, bro.

  15. I just scrape the bowl and smoke what I get.

  16. 1. I dont need to Wikipedia it.
    2. its simple if you have a cancerous gene, you have something that carcinogenic, your chances of developing a cancer cells goes up.

    Marijuana does not cure cancer.
    If you smoke marijuana via bong pipe ect. you are smoking. You are inhaling gases/fumes ect that the body does not need..

    We breath oxygen in and our body uses that for many different reasons.. for e.g. breaking down molecules

    I also saw another comment saying that smoking resin is bad because the molecule has changed...

    Well when you put your lighter to the cone piece and burn the bud, What do you think is happening to the properties of the chemicals of that bud?
    Change for a number of chemicals.

    Its why some people dont cook with certain oils. olive oil... if heated enough the molecules can certainly change in a bad way, most fish and chip places the oil has transformed into a Trans fat, or properties like it making the body think it is and react if it was.

    Chemistry is deep and i dont. I dont think people should advise other if they are not well informed or study the subject of conversation..

    bawww i love bud
  17. you guys have some pretty good methods.

    But the absolute BEST way to smoke to not smoke resin. ;)
  18. best way to have the bud is to vape it...

    I dont know why people think smoking marijuana is healthy or good for cancer..

    It will help you if you feel sick.. ect...
    but at the same time if your fighting cancer.. and smoke marijuana your bodys immune will certainly suffer.

    People that smoke marijuana daily with a higher tolerance are known they will have a weaker immune system.

    I am a body builder and nutritionist.
    Dont get me wrong i love to smoke, however if i was entering in a body building comp there is no way i could smoke while training upto it as my body wont be able to handle it and i will over train due to my immune response being slugish .

    Hemp seed Protein is amazing stuff.
  19. if you really wanna get stoned you need to do hot knives!!! \t
    Scrape the resine and roll it into into little nuggs. Then heat up the tips of two knives with stove, once the knives are red with heat you push lightly on a nugg to pick it up then compress the resine between the two knives, finally hold the knives inside the bottom of a bottle with the bottom cut off and c'est finni!

    after a couple of hot knives u'll be super stoned!!!
  20. damn we have some stoned Macgyvers in this forum. Sorry if I resurrected a dead thread but I found it on google. I plan on using the "heat it up until smoke comes out" technique, i'll try to remember to post an update on how it goes

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