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how to smoke before zoo without girlfriend knowing?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by TheCoolest420, Aug 16, 2012.

  1. So I'm going to the zoo tomorrow. If I'm gonna pay twenty to get in I at least wannabe high.

    But the zoo is a good two hour bus ride. So if I smoke before I leave the house I won't be high.

    Usually I would just tell her I have to go to the bathroom But I'm pretty sure you can't smoke on zoo property. Any tips?

    doesn't matter if she knows I smoked after. But if I tell her before she's gonna try to sabotage me and be super annoying about it.
  2. Make some Firecrakers
  3. fuck yeah firecrackers if you can bring food into the zoo.
  4. As the others have said, make firecrackers or some other edible. Don't forget to use eye drops though, your eyes will still get red.
  5. or you could just smoke some really good shit :smoking: be high for hours
  6. Hell i would tell you to hit the bong or a gravity bong a couple of times but that wouldnt help you cause then you would have an even harder time not letting her know your high

    your not smoking on this one buddy

  7. Then feed them to the animals:hello:
  8. bring a bong, hit a quicktime fat bowl and get outta there
  9. Edibles and eyedrops
  10. What ya gotta do is be like 'hey, bitch (that's where you insert her name) I'm smoking up before we hit the zoo, aiight? Better make some damn good sandwiches for the trip.'

    Then if she has a problem with that you just got to keep your pimp hand strong.
  11. you should drive a car there and smoke on the way

  12. ^^ this seems to be your best option
  13. Something I would think about if I were you. Idk if you and this girl are serious, but would you really want to be with somebody that you have to hide who you really are FOREVER? Just tell her look I'm gonna smoke it's a part of me and I love it. But you know what they say hind sights 20/20.
  14. lol i just went to the zoo the other week with my gf took my mini bong and we both smoked up in the car in the car park overlooking the harbour it was an awesome high watching an otter destroy a live yabee lol
  15. You've never smoked in a bathroom you aren't supposed to before? Just dipset after it, smoke some one hitters through the day
  16. bring a cigarette one hitter and smoke it in the zoo bathroom or in the zoo's parking lot .
  17. Roll some spliffs heavy on tobacco to mask the smell and there are usually designated smokers areas. That could be easier than edibles.
  18. It's not a great sign that you need to be high to have fun with your girl...

    Just sayin.

  19. Where does it say he needs to be high to have fun with his girl? What if the guy just isn't a fan of watching animals walk around shitting everywhere.

  20. It's not a great sign that his girl is trippin on him smokin

    Just sayin

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