I know this sounds stupid but i've only ever smoked like 2 joints and I just look like an idiot when I do cause i'm always hittin the bong I just think joints are too small and for some reason I shake and close up the hole with my lips so I don't even get a toke can anyone give me tips so I stop embarassing myself?
Sure man. You are salivating too much. The end of the joint should be dry. When you wet it, you close it up. First, try holding the joint with your thumb and first finger, with the tip halfway between those two. Then press your lips on the other half, you should get a good hit of joint plus a lil fresh air from the sides of your fingers (don't hold it super tight, ,just enough to keep from dropping) and this technique will make it easy to take a big hit.
haha it's just a word bro, i dont mind people saying it at all unless it's derogatory and to OP, what he's meaning is "Ni(double G)a Lipin" it. damn word filters.
Well personally, I wrap the very end of my lips around it (to avoid wetting it) and suck into my mouth. I let the smoke cool for a second (literally, a second) then inhale. Has always worked good for me.
dont put your lips around the tip while its still whole. if you put the joint 1/4 to 1/2 an inch in ur mouth it makes them much easier to pull, same with blunts.
Or put a filter in the end, then if you get it wet it still wont be able to close....it'll just be gross cause you got it wet lol
I never actually touch a joint to my lips. Just hold it about a millimeter from your lips and inhale. You should still be able to get a good hit and don't have to worry about getting it wet or pinching it closed.
with whatever dominant hand, pinch your index finger and thumb together (like your making an "ok!" sign). put it up to your lips and inhale (do this without a joint). Now next time u havea joint do the same thing, but make sure to not put the joint INTO your mouth, have the very end of it be where your fingers end. so its like, your fingers make it impossible for you to put it into your mouth, which actually works out.
Get yourself a fat sack and a package of rolling papers, then for a week or until you run out of papers or weed just roll. Most people do not roll bomb joints/blunts on their first go around, and if they do their next several attempts are just as bad as most peoples first attempts. Having the skill to roll a joint is a good thing to have, it's a fun thing to do while talking with buddies and/or listening to music. If you've ripped a bong and are pleasantly buzzing its also a lot of fun to watch a joint come out like a work of art. But really other then say videos on youtube just smoke some doobies for a bit and you'll get the hang of it. Practice makes permanent.(Perfect doesn't exist)
Hold the very end between your thumb and your index finger... and put your lips against your fingers and inhale.. works everytime.
What i always hate is when it gets really small and you have to pass it but there is only a mm or two for the next guy to grab and you have to have like a special forces mission to pass the damn thing