how to set up ventlation with cooltube

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by whuh, Jan 15, 2010.

  1. alright i have a 6in 435cfm valueline fan, and im buying a 38 special 50 CAN filter and a 6in cool tube that will be running a 600 watt hps.

    I cant buy another fan right now to cool the light separately, Also the fan and filter need to be located inside my closet where I'm growing so what is my best bet?

    1- grow room air > can filter > cool tube > fan > out of the closet
    2. grow room air > can filter > fan > cool tube > out of the closet

    I think thats really my only 2 options, which is better or do you have a different recommendation?
  2. I go filter / cooltube / fan / out
  3. thanks bro, also does anyone know how much quieter my fan will be at half speed? because that thing is wayyy louder then i expected, almost like a blow dryer, not the fan itself but the air it pushes makes the noise.
  4. It does make a big differene if you put a speed controller on the fan... but the noise isn'tan issue for my setup. It does help with controlling temps and at a slower speed the air is pulled past the carbon slower, giving more time to remove any odor.
  5. Have you hooked it up to the can filter? That should muffle and slow the airflow somewhat.

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