how to set a trap to see if someone was in my grow spot

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Outdoors' started by jimmeyski, May 16, 2013.

  1. i want to set a trap to see if there was anyone that found my grow area just so i can know and be extra careful i dont want to get raided or arrested so pleas any help thanks!:)

  2. [SUB]You have a couple options here. [/SUB]
    [SUB]There are many trail cameras on the market today that have silent camera shutters and have infared lenses. They range from about $50 to $250, you pay for what you get. [/SUB]
    [SUB]Put down a bright colored tennis ball or something, if it gets moves or taken you know people have been there. Probably not the best since it shows people have been there[/SUB]
    [SUB]If your grow has only 1 or 2 entrances you can use layers of finishing line. Deer will get spooked off after feeling the first line and will most likely get spooked and leave very noticeable tracks. [/SUB]
    [SUB]This sounds kinda farfetched but you can leave some voodoo stuff around and it will freak out any potential trespassers haha [/SUB]
  3. haha thanks man but theres a million entrances and i dont got that much money for cameras ehh i just heard this dude say a hunter found is spot snitched and the cops put a camera and a couple hours after he watered his plants the were at his doorstep putting him in handcuffs im sorta just freaking out ill prolly wear a ski mask everytime i check my plants but a trap would be great
  4. Use a game camera
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  5. Buy land mines from underworld cartels and sit on a mountaintop with a high powered uzi and a scope. If the land mines dont get then just spray thier asses with the uzi. Good luck!
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  6. when I had a outdoor grow I was always masked up once I got into the trail. it was actually very sketchy because the trail had a 2 deer camera I spotted when my plants were young, but surprisingly the hunter moved them eventually and I made it to harvest.
    I had wires going across 1 tree to another in certain entrances of the trail, and if they were tampered with I'd know either people were at my spot or animals.
    Another way I knew if people were at my spot though is  because there were only really 2 entrances you would enter from, one had the wire, and one had a pile of sand in front of it and if you didn't know there was sand there, you would step in the spot the first time being at it... so every time I went out I always made sure I went around the sand, if any footprints were ever there you know you had visitors.
    If there's no sand at your spot I think it might be a good idea to buy some and dump some around if it doesn't made it look to sketchy, just my opinion
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  7. haha ok you know guns and weed are a great combo when getting arrested:)
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  8. oh shit the sand is a good idea lol theres a sandbox sorta by it to!
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  9. glad I helped, it really is a good way. you just need to remember not to step in it, and if you do remember what your footsteps looked like.. there have been times where I've went out there maybe once or twice and stepped in it, but didn't notice and continued on with my watering and when I would go to leave I'd be thinking "shit was that my footstep or somebody else's?"
  10. haha alright thanks 
  11. i use 2 things, one is an animal skull i found fully intact when i  was digging one of my holes. I put it on top of a stump and it sits in the open watching my spot. (kinda falls under voodoo idea also lol) And the 2nd one is a couple half dollars. They are big and shiny and after all they are money! If anybody was walking in my spot, they would take one or both of the items. 
    I use fishing line also. One side of it is perm. tied to a tree, a branch, or something growing out of the ground. The other end is tied to a stick i pickd up off the ground. Pull the line tight with the stick, and put the end of the stick in the ground @ about a 45degree angle. If anything hits the fishing line, the stick falls over. Now it could be triggered by animals, or people, but i like to know if both are snooping around!
  12. [SUB]I understand money can be tight but also jail time and legal fees will cost a lot more than a game camera. Just a thought. Also if there is multiple ways into your spot, I mean 4+, you may want to reconsider the area. The more entrances in the higher chance of having an unwanted guest. [/SUB]
    [SUB]Just some things to consider. Potentially losing years of your life behind bars for cultivating a plant will be even worse than dealing with the idiots that create these laws. [/SUB]
  13. If you get a camera, make sure u tape over the LED, and disable the flashing. Nothing says "hey look at me" more than a flashing in the middle of the woods in the middle of the night!
  14. play one direction on a boombox. if you comeback and its turned off, then someone was there
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  15. What if they smashed the boombox? i know i would!  :metal:  :metal:
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  16. #16 docleary, May 16, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: May 16, 2013
    game cameras are a great investment.
    one of my friends had some at one of his spots and when he checked it, found pictures of a warden and abandoned those plants.
    That's pretty clutch. How close were the cameras to his plants?
    Something that always goes through my mind is if I know someone has been to my spot before me, are they still there and who is it?
    Because to check a game camera you generally have to take the memory chip and run it through your computer. Nothing says hello like a Game Warden checking out your grow op :eek:
  18. Save urself the trouble of everything everyone just said and grow 10 lb plus plants in Nor Cal legally with a med card.:-D anything else is retarded honestly. If u really want to grow legitmove to a legal state, do it right, honestly, andrespectfully, without harming others or urself. Peace and Pot. Good Luck.
  19. tie a tripwire to several shotguns around grow area. if you find anyone dead then they discovered your grow area.
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  20. Buy me a plane ticket and gimme a place to stay, ill gladly come to CA =D
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