How To Score An E-Woman (step-by-step)

Discussion in 'General' started by Misc, Feb 7, 2011.

  1. 1. Have a big e-penis. I can't stress this enough. Most e-women won't even consider e-fucking you unless you're a viable member of the community. The nice thing about an e-penis is that it grows. You can increase your size without spending a dime! Just stroke it softly, twice daily, and make sure you jizz on a relevant topic.

    2. Use smiley faces. It's been scientifically proven that bitches love smiley faces. If you're not using one at the end of every post, start doing so. Your chances of scoring will increase dramatically. :)

    3. Flood her with PMs. The private message feature was implemented with one reason in mind--talking to bitches. Start by PMing her a somewhat relevant comment on a post she made. Make it funny. After that, you can progress to picture exchange, and if you're lucky, nudes.

    4. Establish a relationship. There'll come a time when you can say, "I really like you." The best way to do so is to go through all of her posts and hit the like button. If she's into you, she'll do the same.

    5. Skype/Phone Sex. This is pretty much the climax of the relationship. Mutual masturbation via asynchronous Internet connections can be a lot of fun. You may want to buy faster Internet if you have trouble getting off. Vice versa if you're a PE.

    Maintaining the Relationship-- You want to make her feel special. Since you can't really buy her anything or take her anywhere, the best way to do this is to send her money via PayPal. Check her VMs daily to make sure she isn't cheating on you. Maybe PM her a love letter, but don't make it seem like you're that clingy.

    So yea, follow this guide and you'll score. If she has a real-life boyfriend and is refusing your advances, repeat step 3 as necessary.
  2. #2 Blunt, Feb 7, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 7, 2011
    Thanks to you I'm going to have all these e-bitches making me e-sandwiches in the e-kitchen.
  3. sweet now i need to find the perfect girl!! any willing ones?? :D

    i'm serious:devious:
  4. Good sound advice...

    One which many an e-playboy could learn from.

    e-cookie for you :)
  5. congrats you earned a pair of quantum boobs

  6. Too much commitment, I'll stick with good ole' porn
  7. Shiiiit, I make my e-bitches send ME money through paypal. :cool:
  8. Just laughed so much I woke my perants
  9. I knew this ish.
  10. It's embarrassing how true #2 is to my life... I met my boyfriend online a long time ago and one of the things that drew my attention to him was the emoticons he used because they made him seem friendly. Oh god, I feel so lame and predictable :rolleyes:
  11. Damn, I was hoping this thread would help me find a new ecstasy dealer...
  12. #12 IwasA.Smurf, Feb 7, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 8, 2011
    Google translator:

    pretend to know french
  13. Souhaitez-vous foutre?
  14. the fuck are we supposed to resist now?

    We don't stand a chance:hide:
  15. thanks man really enjoy the step by step instructions
  16. damn i got at least 3 of the requirements '' down''

    i use the smileys,,,,my e-penis is big,,,,

    well . maybe 2 down.. i forgot what the others were,,,,:rolleyes:

  17. Nous dînons à l'extérieur
  18. Mais, malheuresement, c'est pas toujours facile. Si les filles connait que t'es anglais, ils sont pas du tout interesse.

    Et la traducteur de google est un truc de fou qui ne marche pas et traducte literallement ce que tu direz.

    Encouler, je deteste la grammaire francaise, trop dur...

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