For anyone who has invested a lot in a thread, or just enjoys it, and wants to know how to save the whole thread, it not too time consuming manner, my latest blog entry show's how to do such: With large threads it can take some time, but with small threads it can be a great tool. Personally there are some threads, that due to their long time on grasscity show personal growth, and that's one reason I made this, incase I'm ever not on Grasscity, or a thread is deleted or can't be found, and I want to reflect on that thread. Or maybe you've written some good quotoes, but can't find/save them all. Thought some of you may enjoy this. It saves every link on that page, and any media. So you can save whole websites, relatively fast.
You're welcome. If I got some spare time (which I've got ton's) I'd be happy to do the same for anyone, just shoot me a PM