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How To Roll a Blunt, With Pics!

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Headin2Mars, Jan 20, 2010.

  1. What's up Apprentice Tokers?! I'm going to show you how to roll a blunt using a Green Game Cigar. Let me start out by recommending you use a cigar for each time you roll a blunt, It may seem difficult, but it's worth the extra effort. they can burn 2-4 times slower than a blunt wrap, meaning they save alot more weed.

    - Game [Garcia Vega] OR Dutchmaster
    - Weed, Up to 1 Gram atleast
    - Lighter
    - Grinder [Optional]
    - Razor Blade [Optional]
    After you have taken off the packaging, lick your blunt all over, not too wet, it will cause it to rip easily. Then at the beginning of the cigar start to peel up the leaf, be gentle because it does rip sometimes.
    Now That you have taken the leaf off, at the beginning of the Cigar you see the cancer paper, lick it and peel it off the cigar as shown.
    Now get your blade, or you can use your fingers aswell, and cut at the crease in the cigar.
    It's time to gut your cigar, put your finger on the tobacco and push it into some sort of container to keep it seperate from your pot.
    I usually like to cut a little bit of the wrap off depending on how much bud you have, now put your bud inside the wrap and spread it evenly. Note: keep the leaf moist
    Now it's time to roll, just clip the cigars at both ends with your pointer finger and thumb, then tuck it in, make sure it's nice and tight, then begin to roll.
    Once you get here start licking the flap very lightly so it won't rip, then peel it over and it magically sticks!
    Finally you have to roll your leaf onto the blunt, make sure it's really moist so it sticks nicely to the wrap and it's not loose.
    Then lick the final part on and snip any extra leaf you have on there and, voila! you have got your self a blunt!

    Happy Tokin! Hope I helped everyone, but im going to burn this mother fucker down!
  2. bumb +1 rep finally some one made a blunt tut
  3. thanks, and yeah just wanted to help out the people who are new and need to be guided in the right direction.
  4. nice pics.. game greens taste good as fuck with fire herb in it.. nice roll
  5. who doesn't know how to roll a blunt.. lol
  6. i looooovveee game greens. jeeze i thought i was a shitty roller, but now seeing as I roll just as good as you do i got a confidence boost :)
  7. do you have to put that greenish looking paper back on???
  8. yeah that was a decnt roll i usually do it a lil better, im going to dig up some pics.
    I think thats a little better, and a better photo.
  9. begginer smokers lol, thats why its in the apprentice toker section.
    you have to learn how to roll a blunt some way, and this may be that way for some people.
  10. Yeah, but it's different for New Yorkers, they know how roll a dutchmaster at birth hahha. So many L's in the 5boro.
  11. Yeah you do have to put it on or the blunt will be fucked, if you see the pics where the wrap is brown, that paper is rediculously thin so it will burn in like 5 minutes, and when I smoked blunts I roll em so they last 30-45 minutes depending on how much weed i put in, and tightness.
  12. #12 Headin2Mars, Jan 21, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 21, 2010
  13. great tutorial.

    great choice on dutches/games/garcia y vegas

  14. Holy shit! I have that exact same scale! Did you buy yours off amazon? I did
  15. nah I picked it up at a local shop I heard they go for cheap on Amazon though.

  16. Nice blunt but you used way to much paper and didn't even take off the glue strip.

    You could have cut that piece down the middle and rolled it with half that amount of paper, its a much smoother smoke and you can taste more of the weed rather than the blunt and its better for your lungs.
  17. nice tut!
  18. It works for me, I put a gram in and it burns for 30-45 minutes, nothing wrong with that...
  19. it does not burn for 30-45 minutes lol no need to lie on the internet crail

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