How to remove a pollen sac ?

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by blanchdave, Jan 8, 2008.

  1. I think i found a pollen sac on a plant (little yellow banana shaped thing)
    but just 1 on 1 bud.

    If this is a pollen sac how should i go about removing ?? Plant has about 2.5weeks left to harvest

    Thanks a Bunch :D
  2. pick it off...tweezers may help. also, check around the whole plant carefully...sometimes they hide.
  3. ok.... thanks for the quick reply..... twice :D
  4. careful, i would harvest that tranny alot sooner if you have more than 1 plant. Dont risk pollination.
    If its your only plant, let it ripen, seek and destroy all the pods along the way.

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