How To Properly Hotbox

Discussion in 'General' started by AceKushGod, Jun 8, 2014.

  1. #1 AceKushGod, Jun 8, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 8, 2014
    Basically, I was freshman in college this last year and it was almost impossible to smoke in the dorms without getting caught so my friends and I hotboxed it almost every time we I'm here to drop a little knowledge.
    First off smoke in an area that you're familiar with...and preferably somewhere near to where you stay...I suggest never smoking in the day unless it's raining or the probability of getting caught goes way up in the day (hotbox at night !)...I recommend parking in a parking lot in a residential area (not houses but apartment complexes)...the clientele in apartment complexes tend not to give a fuck imo...try to park in between two cars and if there is an area not facing the apartments park that you have a spot we can get into the actual hotbox
    The number one rule of hotbox is to keep the windows up (duh !)...there has been times where my friends and I hotboxed the car so much the lighter wouldn't light so we had to let smoke out but that's it...the beauty of a hotbox is that because everything is staying in you're gonna get geeked's almost inevitable...the music is a key aspect and why I love the hotbox so much but don't try to shake the block having it up loud af that's a quick way to draw attention to yourselves..but you can have it up pretty loud imo...when you see lights drive by be on alert you know hold the blunt down until they pass...also have enough a blunt for each person in the car...smoke tf up.
    When you're done...get rid of the evidence water bottles roaches the doors...hop out spray the car and yourselves(I think febreeze works well) your gonna smell loud af if you dont...put the windows down and drive to your next destination...I know me and my niggas be headed to waffle house...but that's my hotboxing advice...let me know what you think.

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  2. hotboxing is redundant most of the time, unless you all smoke a crazy amount of weed and can get a thick cloud going
  3. #3 cothrantyson, Jun 8, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 8, 2014
    OP, you are the reason I can't stand this younger generation. In my day, we all got together BUTT NAKED in a sauna. THAT is what I call hotboxing
  4. @[member="cothrantyson"] Ha...if that's what you into...right on
  5. I bet you think you're really cool.
  6. @[member="EnjoiKush"] Im just a smoker giving my advice...that's's all love 
  7. blunts and loud music? how have you not been caught? blunts are a no-no when hot boxing cars. loud music too. they will stink your shit up for a minute. plus you can smell blunts from a long ways away. and a shaking car reaking of blunt wraps and weed brings a lot of attention to you. bowls are the way to go when hot boxing.
  8. #8 TimothyTheFirst, Jun 8, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 8, 2014
    not if the windows are up.
    but blunts are fine if  you're smart.  air the car out well, spray some ozium, go for a quick drive on some side streets wit the windows down before you get on the main road, and leave em down if you can.  there's good things about bowls but if you're smoking a blunt and someone does see it could pass for a cigarillo or cigarette in the dark.
    music loud at all is pretty stupid.  have it loud enough to hear but you'd be surprised how easy it is to hear a cars music from outside, especially if it's quiet outside and they're good speakers.
    always back into a spot if you can and don't use the dome lights.
    i used to smoke in my car multiple times every day for years.  never got caught.  came close a couple times, and when I was careless my car might smell pretty strong.  but i never got caught.
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