I really want to grow outdoors, but I heard mold can be a problem, so how do you prevent mold on your plants? ----------------------------------------- Here are my climate details, I live in South Florida and plan on growing around March. Average temperature between March - July is 80 degrees with a low of 60 degrees. Average humidity between March - July is 90% in afternoons and 60% at night. Average rainfall between March - July is 6 inches. --------------------------------- Is this type of climate likely to make my plant produce mold?
I thought they only way mj gets mold is if you start curing and the bud wasnt dried all the way...never heard of mold being a problem while it was growing tho...could be wrong.
Grow a mold resistant strain if you are in a humid climate, don't spray shit on them during flowering, shake the water off the buds after rain, and cut out any area with mold asap.
I havent found a good way to prevent mold that didn't involve fungicides, like Daconil...which is probably not a good thing to inhale. about the best you can do to minimize it is to keep the grow clean, avoid foliar spraying like the other fella said and keep insects under control. ants, leaf hoppers, scale bugs and assorted other pests will injure your plants as well as leave honeydew which promotes mold growth. some home remedies will help:: milk solution, baking soda solution, probably others but I have had probs with mold every summer.
Grow a Sativa Dominant strain, indicas tend to be to compact and once you get a little mold on them soon the whole plant is a waste. I live In North Florida and I also know that if u start in March your plants wont finish till Octobor and thats when you have to watch out for the molding