How to plant your soil !

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by Homergrower, Jan 14, 2007.

  1. Here is a basic set-up for how to plant a seed...:rolleyes:

    1. Use only Organic soil for marijuana, you can also add perlite to the mix as well about 60% soil/40% Perlite.....
    (I would usually use perlite, but these will be small plants so I didn't bother with this grow)
    have your seeds already germinated and the first white root between 5-10 millimeters long.

    2. Put a bit of water through the new soil while in the pots. This will settle the soil together and make it easier to handle, plus you won't have to water it at the end, which can disturb the seed and soil around it.

    3. Use the back side of a pen/pencil to push a dent in the soil....


    only push a dent in the soil, as most newbies use a shovel to make a hole....not necessary.... the seed part of the seedling has to eventually break the soil surface so the first little round leaves can get light. This won't happen if your seed has been buried half way to china !!!! you want the seed just under the surface.

    4. Now, place your seed in the dent with the root pointing down into the soil, If you do this without touching the seed - it will have a better chance of survival (if you are skilled with chopsticks, they are great to use for this)

    5. Lightly cover the seed with a small amount of soil, Like no.3 - it's important you don't put too much soil on top of the seed as it has to break the surface.

    ######DON'T PRESS DOWN ON THE SOIL#######

    just cover it - you risk damaging or killing the seed if you compact too much soil around it.
    Marijuana likes nice air rated soil.
    Now put under your lights/sun and off they go........:D

    Hope this helps with any newbies starting out.

    Happy Growing....:wave:

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  2. nice post man, should help most of those who don't know how to do it properly,

    :D :wave: :smoking: :wave::D
  3. my first bag seed never sprouted.. but then again i did it all wrong

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