How To Pass Your Whiz Quiz

Discussion in 'General' started by PunkRockZero, May 20, 2011.

  1. I'm sorry if there's a thread like this already, but it should've been made a sticky long ago. Every other day some newb posts a thread asking "howw do I pass my dwug test?!!" and it annoys the piss out of me (like what I did there? No? Aw hell). Here it is, once and for all.

    After I got my DUI last february the state sent me to an Intoxicated Driver Resource Center (IDRC) to be randomly drug tested. This is how I perfected the craft. I have never failed a drug test this way.

    Let's say your test is around 7:00 PM. At 2:00 PM (four hours beforehand), make a pot of coffee. Then drink it. After that, start drinking glass after glass of water. The coffee acts as a diuretic (makes you pee a lot) and the water flushes out your kidneys. Around 3 or 3:30, you'll begin to urinate rather frequently (in my case, every fifteen minutes or so).

    After the first one or two pisses, your pee will be clear. This indicates that your kidneys are successfully being flushed. However, you don't want to take the urine test with clear piss, as this will most likely be an automatic failure because the urine does not meet the parameters considered to be a valid sample. For this reason, stop drinking water about an hour and a half to two hours before the test. This lets your piss get yellow again so it won't be rejected.

    If your test is in the morning, you're just gonna have to get up early. Tough shit, you shouldn't have smoked...
  2. hii nice post it will be helpfull....
    How many times you have passed your test using this method??
  3. This thread has been made literally hundreds of times. There are stickies, you are just in the wrong room man. do a little search too.
  4. Quite a few, I'd say at least 15-20.

    Ah well I guess you got me there, but it's still annoying. Guess we'll just let this thread die a quick death...
  5. that fish is small, it looks like you held it up to the camera to make it look bigger
  6. Add some niacin to that, it flushes out your system.
  7. I'd say it's about 8-10 inches, not too bad if it's in the lake.
  8. Not really, it may help to clean your fat cells but that won't make you pass a drug test because it'll all go to... your kidneys...

    Just use niacin/vitamin E/antioxidants if you quit smoking and want to clean your body out completely. If you have a drug test the next day, niacin won't help you.
  9. hes just a boy. and it doesnt seem like that detox would work. how many times have you done this and had it work?
  10. To date around 20, give or take. Just did it today.
  11. What? so you just drink coffee in the morning then drink alot of water, then dont drink an hour before the test and you will piss clean? sounds too good to be true. i would rather bring clean piss in a travel toothpaste container.
  12. Well it did for me and many other people... and it flushes them out through your skin, hence why you get that burning sensation. Also you will piss it all out within a few hours.

    And yes there have been reports of people passing drug tests by taking a lot of niacin one-two days prior to a test, but that comes dangerously close to the amount that can harm you.
  13. That would work as well, as long as you have a willing donor and nobody proctors you (stands there and makes sure youre actually peeing), which happens to me sometimes.

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