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how to not drool when hitting bong

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by kojopolis, Jan 31, 2011.

  1. couldn't find a thread on this, i drool when i hit, anyone have any tactics on stopping this
  2. Spit before you smoke, or uh, smoke more till you get cotton mouth.
  3. Spit before you hit. Also it may sound weird but drinking water helps, at least for me.
  4. fuck dude this happens to me all the time
    when im hitting the bong saliva just drips
    so fukin annoying advice?
  5. your angle is too high up on it. try to keep your head up more when ripping.
  6. Hey guys.

    Try tilting the bong? That might help out. Also, like swallow all of the spit in your mouth right before the hit or spit it out

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