how to make some extra money?

Discussion in 'General' started by phire420, Dec 18, 2008.

  1. It's the holidays, and I'm strapped for cash. I work part time at a food place, but I've been working hard to break free from customer service to something that will make my resume look good. With the economy as it is, this is hard, so I am just looking for some extra ways to make cash. I've cashed in a lot of coins, recycled cans, and sold whatever I can on craigslist. What are some other ways you guys know of to make some quick cash?
  2. take a T break till after xmas, that should save you some money...just keep doin what your doin, recycle that shit, and cash those coins.
  3. Robin Hood style! rob the rich and give to the poor...which in this case is either yourself or me...
  4. Well if people give you money for Christmas, you can save that.
  5. Fake ADD/ADHD and get adderall and sell it for $2-$10 a pill... no joke.

    During midterms/finals people will pay $10 for some good adderall on most campuses.
  6. Anyone know how to get set up with a contractor to do basic construction work? I don't have any experience, but I'm a pretty big guy and I'm strong. T-break is out of question haha.
  7. sell your sperm/plasma/body to science/soul, and also if you still want to smoke, make a G(ravity) bong, they conserve bud quite well.
  8. I am sick of everyone with no education posting about how the economy is keeping them from getting a job...

    try getting a full time job anywhere you can, that should do you better than part time
  9. you wont find a construction job that pays over 20 dollars an hour without previous experience because you will start out holding signs and shit for like 15 an hour
  10. I'm not like a grown ass man. I'm only 18 and still in high school. I'm not trying to make bank or anything, I'd just like to get a retail job or something where I don't have to get my hands dirty and be smelling like onions. I've been doing that for 3 years and I'm over it, but I'm willing to do it until something else prevails. It's not like I can go to college and work towards a degree right now, and when I graduate and do go to college, I am going to take Music courses, so I am looking for a side trade to stick to, so I can supplement my income until my music career supports itself.

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