Life, Liberty,and the pursuit of happiness is a craving shared by all mankind and yet in a "Free" society We remain burdened to Wear the very chains forced upon Our fathers. National Debt, is a term arbitrarily used within the realms of Economics and Politics and yet it incurs a distinct fallacy. The truth is That One generation has no more a Right to bind another to its Debt and Incumbrances than One Man has the Right to bind another to his Will. To truly believe otherwise would be foolish for in its very Nature it ensues the Abolition of Equality. For if a Child yet unborn must Pay for the mistakes, nigh the shortsightedness of his Parents then he is already Doomed to a Life of Servitude and is beyond doubt a Slave to a System to which he was never Responsible For. If the Creation of such a System is allowed then the Ramifications of the Previous Generations Actions will Echo throughout all the Schools of thought to Such an Extent that the Degradation of their very Humanity will come into Question. In a truly Free Society, Peace is Warranted by its very Volition. All Concerns are Deliberate and Transparent, The Delegation will supersede the Debate. But in Order for these Proceedings to Begin we must first Question if we as Free people are truly Equal. Our World is One that is Abundant in Resources and yet Owned by Few. These stakes to Claim that which is the Property of all Men are without Merit and thus Immoral. If we abide by these longstanding Traditions, made by Men whom thought little of Liberty, then a Grave Injustice will no doubt Continue to Occur. The Wars of the Future will be Amongst thy fellow Man, but between that of the Well to do and of the Struggling. For what War in Our Past was not Incited First by Greed, such a thing is Unavoidable, Unless the People themselves do not Allow further Deceit, They themselves will come to Realize that such a World is Unjust and needing Retribution. Fear itself is a tool to be wielded by those whom suffer from it, The Wealthy will always Fear the Rest of Humanity because of the Obvious Contrast in Our lives, but they Must not be Allowed to Continue such act as to make Us squabble Amongst Ourselves while They enjoy the Fruits of Our Labor. Our World is One that is ever more Connected in ways previously thought Impossible, Nations no longer Dictate the Insurgence of the Human Mind. Money is too Powerful of a tool to wield in such Numbers as we See Today. Together, We the People can make such a World Possible, there will always be Opposition rest assured but there is no force More Righteous than One who cries of Freedom.
I want to use Socialistic elements in our economics with a permanent Constitution and Bill of Rights. Basically regulate the extremes as reinvestment. Cap would be enforced more of less through tax hikes
Not everyone pursues happiness. Some might say that the very idea of doing so gets in the way. Happiness comes through right thought and right action, it is not something that should be strived for in and of itself. We are if we believe we are. Nice.
Capitalism and social Darwinism in American do not provide an equal starting ground in which everyone can pursue economic freedom and "happiness." Socialist aspects come in and mask the problem by having government create this equal playground, via healthcare, education, etc.
[quote name='"fatbluntsyo"']Capitalism and social Darwinism in American do not provide an equal starting ground in which everyone can pursue economic freedom and "happiness." Socialist aspects come in and mask the problem by having government create this equal playground, via healthcare, education, etc.[/quote] Healthcare and education deserves to be a right inalienable and indefeasible. Everyone needs health and education. To say u can't afford either would be insane. I propose "caps" in the form of tax brackets and limits on investments. Of course this would only truly affect the 1%, but a redistribution of wealth would raise minimum wage/standards of living by subsidies, and lower taxes on the other 99% which would curb the rate of inflation since consumer spending is bound to go up, and as demand increases supply will also in a free regulated market then prices go Down.