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How to make my 2 grams go a little further?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by BritBrit, Feb 4, 2011.

  1. I'm a little more than an apprentice but a friend and I are just going to be smoking a couple of G. I don't know how dank it is. She didn't get it yet but we're just wondering how to make it go a little further? I ghost it all the time and I know that works but I was wonderin' what else we can do? I extracted about 400mg of dxm so we're gna do that too... that's always fun :)

    We're smokin' out of a bowl if that makes any difference. Also saved a little resin from some prior smokes: )
  2. 400 miligrams of dxm is candy bro.
  3. Just smoke bowls man.
  4. smoke bowls, add tobacco

  5. the only way to make that 2g's go further is to vape it, then say fuck it and smoke the vaped weed, then u will be smokin for hours and hours just on that 2g's
  6. Smoke one hitters rather than huge bowls at a time. Less is more when it comes to weed. And yeah, buy a vaporiser and get on with the future
  7. Smoke less often.
  8. Some good advice and some... well yeah :p I will bear that in mind. Will probably use my one hitter... got it the other day :)


    Dxm is one thing I do know a lot about... dmt too lol I know this is a tiny amount and hardly enough but I was hoping it'd just add a kick. I have a few grams of this stuff. We're just going for a relaxing evening :)

    Thanks for the advice guys. Mostly regarding the weed!
  9. i would wait for the DXM to kick in then smoke a few bowls. one of the best feelings IMO
  10. I would do one hit at a time, that way the bowl wont be burning when its not being hit
  11. You can try and make it last longer but ive learned my lesson with doing that.Id rather have 1 or 2 great smoke sessions then have 6 to 8 ones that i lose feeling with in half an hour ya know?

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