How to make money and live off the land

Discussion in 'General' started by ChiefBuddha, Dec 7, 2011.

  1. Buy land in remote location away from society.

    Build zombie/nuclear proof facility. Home included.

    Have indoor crops for food.

    Be amazing at animal farming and be self efficient in that.

    Create nuclear fUsion (not fission) reactor.

    create self sustaining generator to last forever.

    Purchase weapons and ammo.

    Learn hand to hand combat.

    Purchase gold, silver and precious jewels.

  2. OP what part of the northwest you looking to get land??
  3. Haven't decided for sure yet. Possibly the Puget Sound area. It's really gorgeous up there and i'm sure there is some beautiful land that will be for sale.
  4. Grow plants of various purposes, make a moonshine still, keep livestock. Pimp bitches.
  5. Pimp bitches now added to this list. Thanks man.
  6. No problem im planing on living the dream myself. You will want to buy a pickup similar to something like this


    Cattle, sheep and chickens will eat grass from the paddocks you place them in. But in a few weeks they will eat all the grass so you will need extra paddocks you can rotate the stock through so they do not eat all the grass in their paddock and starve. You will need the paddocks to be fenced of and easily able to move stock through them so they don't run off. You may also want to add irrigation to boost grass growth.


    You may need to buy bags of grain and animal pellets and hay bales every few weeks to optimize animal health and give them a little bit of variation in their food intake.

    You should also make your own hay bales by letting the grass in your own paddock grow a few feet high then hire a hay baler to go through it with a machine and process the grass into hay bales. This is a good idea because in the winter your grass growth will slower compared to warmer seasons so you have extra food to feed out during winter. You can harvest bales from a paddock up to 3 times a year.

  7. Wow man i'm impressed. This all looks like alot of hard work but very doable. It will be fun working hard though and slowly seeing progress out of everything i'm working on. I'm very excited.
  8. subsistence farming exist if your knowledgeable
  9. I really suggest before you do this go work on a farm for a few months so you get a feel for what your getting into.

    You will not be 100% self sufficient and will never be because you are going to need to buy seeds for your crops and such. Flour, sugar, salt etc. Befriend your neighbors!! Use cow shit, and sheep shit as fertilizer for your crops. I sugest you start a vegetable garden in your back yard RIGHT NOW so you will know what you are doing so that when you start to rely on your crops you know how to raise them properly.

    Your fencing will cost you thousands. For the materials needed (they are not cheap) and the labour. Your vegetable garden will not cost you much. You may need to buy soil if the soil on the land is not good enough but chances are it will be fine.

    Also You don't want to live to far away from any towns. Mainly because you will be hit hard with gas bills and if you are planing on selling produce on the side of the road you want commuters to be able to drive a short distance to buy your goods. you should also go to Saturday markets and sell your produce there. If you have to much produce you will feed this to your pigs/chickens and what they dont eat add them to a compost pile.

    To start a compost pile all you really gotta do is add any plant onto it and just keep stacking. Lawn clippings, remains of vege crops, basically any plant that lives add it to your pile. And then in a year mix it into your soil for your vege crops. It will provide fresh nutrients and retain more water.

    Look around before you buy. First figure out what you want to do with your land before you buy. I suggest drawing out a plan of what you want and look around and buy what best suits your needs.
  10. Here is what my vege garden looks like at the moment. I suggest you get onto learning to grow like this ASAP. If you cant do this in a suburban area there is no way you can do it in the country either. But its not hard at all its easy as piss.




  11. Thanks a lot man i appreciate it more than i could say. I'm going to go work on my uncle's farm i'm pretty sure. So that should give me some good experience. I'll definitely take all your advice here. You definitely sound like you know what your doing. Your garden also looks great. Props on that. I have a vegetable garden out in my backyard that i always take care of as well so i'll keep that up.
  12. Cool man good luck with your endeavor. And i suggest you start hittin the weights you will need to be physically strong. I know you will do fine. Keep in touch right.
  13. For sure man. I've changed my whole life. I've taken up a lot of Buddhist philosophies and am trying to stay healthy and in shape. Things are good. But thanks for all your help man i appreciate it. Will keep in touch.
  14. For garden protection from birds, you can save old scratched CDs. String 'em up and they will sway in the wind. The shine scares the birds. :smoke:
  15. Haha does that really work?
  16. Yup, it actually does work very well. :smoke:
  17. napas awesome for living off the land, i got a couple friends who got land here and man its amazing


    thats what it looks like from a hill
  18. If you're going to start running stock I recommend working on a ranch for about 6 months.

    You can't, and won't learn everything about stock on the internet.
  19. Damn that is awesome man.
  20. Pop Warner Football

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