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How To Make Friends at the Dispensary

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Beanbag, Oct 9, 2010.

  1. In my area of Northern California, dispensaries are very busy. If you happen to make a stop on or just after the 1st or the 15th of the month they can be down right packed. Even at my well run dispensary wait times of an hour can happen on very busy days.

    That being said, you can see why making a speedy purchase will reflect well on you with the customers, but more importantly with the dispensary staff. If you happen to be that person who needs to view every jar on the shelf, have them all opened, smell them all, look at the buds then you need to understand that the 25 people who are waiting behind you are plotting your swift demise.

    Now you might not care what they think however, they will ALL remember you, at least for the next 30 minutes. Lots of them are going to complain about you or at least mention you to the dispensary staff who will remember you a lot longer than 30 minutes. Most importantly, good rep with staff can get you heavy weights and very helpful advice well a bad rep gets the opposite.

    Make friends and follows these simple guidelines:

    1. Know how much you have to spend and have it ready. Going to the cash machine during your purchase is a major red card.

    2. Tell you service rep, up front, how much you have to spend and ask about pricing if you aren't sure. Most dispensaries have lower, middle and top shelf pricing tiers. 100 a half, 130 a half and 160 a half for example.

    3. Know what you want with regard to effect. You don't have to know strains or names, just tell them what you want to feel like. Relaxed and sleepy, pain killer, up and go hiking high, etc and they will be able to help you and make recommendations.

    4. Ask for a few recommendations and then make a decision in a timely manner. A quick smell of 2 or 3 jars before you buy is normal. Taking 5 minutes to just smell different bud is a definitely yellow card.

    5. Keep the chatter to a minimum. If you have other questions ask them while your rep is fetching and weighing. Avoid taking extra time after the purchase.

    6. Spread your bills on the counter casino fashion so it's easy for the rep to sweep them with the counterfeit marker.

    7. After a complete purchase ask the reps name, give him yours, say thank you and move your ass out of the way.

    These general guidelines should help you get good service and maybe even make some good friends at the dispensary. Peace!
  2. My dispensary experince.

    San Diego, Ca

    Pull up, park my car.
    Walk to the front door, dude buzzes me in.
    Walk in,
    What's up dude!

    "What can I get for you today?"

    Hmm, get me an eighth of a good sativa, don't want to falll sleep!

    • When weed is a little dry and cirspy, it burns a lot faster and doesn't give you as good a high.
    • If you're going to look at weed, know how to look. Touch it and see if it's squishy, the squishier the better; that means their is more THC and that it's probably fresh. The more hairs of course, the better.
    • When it's tightly packed and dark, it's usually an indica. It's better for pain relief and sleeping.
    • When it's covered with perky hairs, it smells fruity or spicey, it's more of an uplifting high. The brighter the colors, the more uplifting it can be.
    • After a while, you start to notice the strands and which ones are grown right. Take Blue Dream for example, which is a popular strand. Blue dream is supposed to be packed and triangular with a lot of crystals. Sometimes you'll see round buds with little depth and crystals. It's a Indica cross-breed so it's supposed to be a little denser. Remeber Indicas being tightly packed?
  3. Awesome thread! I dont get my meds from a dispensary but this is a great tutortial for those who do.


  4. Is this really going to make me friends?
  5. 6. Spread your bills on the counter casino fashion so it's easy for the rep to sweep them with the counterfeit marker.

    huh? what's that?
  6. Dam you sons-a-beeches are so lucky. In most parts of this country, you'd be taken to jail or at least given a costly citation just for possessing the weed. :devious:

    And you guys argue about waiting in line in a safe, controlled environment to decide what to purchase from dozens of alternatives and prices.

    I have to deal with lazy, unreliable dirtbags in order to get my "medication." Very little consistency, quality control, etc.

    Pretty sure MMJ will be available someday in my state. But it will be at least 7-10 years away.

    Think of all us poor schmucks who have to have to procure the product the way I do. Grow it yourself? In my state, no way: you'd get a felony for having three 6-inch plants with no buds. They'll weigh the whole plant -- stalk and roots -- and charge you with having massive quantities of it.

    I am just so seriously jealous of you guys.
  7. Lay the bills out like you are fanning a deck of cards. Most people are paying in 20 dollar bills so I fan em in 100 dollar increment. The service rep has a sort of clear magic marker and he draws it across all the bills. If it's a counterfeit bill then it turns a color, otherwise it stays clear. If you hand the money in a big wad the he/she has to sort it all and spread it all out himself. Much faster to have it ready for him and he will appreciate it.

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