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How to make cannabutter in a toaster oven?

Discussion in 'Weed Edibles' started by smokeypokey123, Jun 9, 2009.

  1. Well I have no acsess to an ove top and I would like not make to canna peanut butter, I have acsess to a toaster oven. I've searched and found nothing please help me!
  2. 1. Get pan
    2. Melt butter
    3. Put weed in butter
    4. Stir/heat/stir/heat/stir/heat (until you feel as if it's done)
    5. Dump into water
    6. Freeze
    7. Cut out
    8. Enjoy

    Same as with a stovetop or anything else just have to be very consistent with the stirring and heating.
  3. sorry but i kinda felt like that was not a good response to such a good question.

    anyhoot i would begin by researching the temperature youd need to set the oven to decarbonalize the weed.

    theres a thread on single serving canaoil or something ive found before but in all honesty Ive never had good luck with edibles so thats why i too am interested in the oven technique
  4. #4 BadKittySmiles, Aug 2, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 2, 2011
    You're in luck. The easiest way for most people, to make the highest quality oil, is in an oven. :)

    A toaster oven certainly reaches adequate temperatures.. all you'll need is a small ceramic or pyrex baking dish, some foil, a good pure edible oil source, and your herb. Some people don't bother straining (I always strain).... if you'd like to strain too, and remove the inert 'waste' plant matter, get some cheese cloth or mesh. That waste material can then be saved, and used for further processing to make a 'weak base oil', for use with your next batch of freshly decarbed herb.

    With those materials, you've got everything you need to decarb and make a great batch of edible oil.

    Glandular material is notoriously difficult for the body to absorb, even if decarbed/activated.

    So remember, processing is crucial.. the hours, gentle heat and edible solvent (oil) you apply during processing to convert, and break down that glandular material, are hours, heat and solvent which your body simply can not provide in enough time, before it's 'too late' in your system.
    In other words without the correct processing, you'll feel a small buzz if you're lucky, but the vast majority of your potency goes 'in one end and out the other'.

    This is why we have so much dosage discrepancy, and why some edibles take hours to kick in, when other edibles (that are bioavailable immediately upon entry), can be absorbed right away, and begin to take effect within 15 minutes.

    After straining it can be jarred and stored in a cool, dark location, for months. Ideally you should be freezing it to preserve the state it's in potency-wise, as well as to keep it from spoiling.
    If using butter, clarify it first... removing all traces of water and impurities from your 'solvent', not only improves its efficiency, but milk fat can be stored at room temp after being heated/sanitized, for more lengthy periods of time, when it is stored without those proteins and solids.

    To learn how to make this (or your trimmings...)


    Into, this...


    See the link below:

    (First Page, contains detailed information on decarboxylation, or cannabinoid conversion..
    decarboxylation is the process of activating your cannabinoids 'potency' by removing the
    carboxyl group in the form of carbon dioxide and water vapor, converting your cannabinoids
    from their acid, to their more potent delta forms):

    Photo Tutorial: Highly Activated Med Grade Bioavailable Canna & Hash Oil, Edibles, Drinkables and more...

    The best oils, produce little to no odor during processing, if sealed properly and heated and cooled correctly. You can easily put it in any boxed brownie mix... be sure to read the final paragraph for detailed dosage information.

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