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How to make cannabutter edibles (beginner)

Discussion in 'Weed Edibles' started by celestinas, Nov 22, 2018.

  1. Hey guys. I want to make like 18 cookies with weed that’s about 17% THC. How should I do? More importantly, what’s the dosage, how many g of weed should I use? I’ve tried different calculators and recipes and results can get very different so I don’t want to have like super strong edibles and die. Thanks, if you guys could pass onto me any knowledge that would help me!
  2. Decarbing weed is quick and easy and retains the most potency of any method.

    There are many different methods. I use the wet method which is one of the least popular on these boards. I make butter with really good shake that is roughly about 15 to 20%. The method I use would require about a half ounce for a batch of 36 toll house cookies which take a cup of cannabutter. So somewhere around a quarter and 1/2 cup of butter would be on par with that.
    Just decarbing and eating the weed whole is the method a lot use here.

    Here is the method I use.

    1: add unground weed to large saucepan about 2/3 full of water.

    2: heat on high, bring to rapid boil

    3: reduce to simmer immediately and simmer stirring often for 1 hr.

    4: add butter ( 1 oz of weed per pound of butter is what I use, with very potent shake)

    5: Simmer for another hour stirring often

    6: reduce heat, when cooled, cover with aluminum foil and let sit overnight. I wait about 16 to 18 hrs.

    7: remove foil and slowly bring back to simmer.

    8: simmer for another hour stirring often.

    9: line pasta strainer with cheescloth, strain through cheese cloth into another container. Make sure to use a spoon to get as much liquid out and into second container. You can wring it out by hand with rubber gloves but will be extremely hot. The shake in the cheese cloth should have very little thc and can be tossed.

    10: let cool to room temp, cover and then refrigerate for 24 hrs.

    11: after 24 hrs butter will rise to top and solidify similar to ice on a pond. Very carefully remove solidified butter and place on flat surface with paper towels. Get as much if the small pieces as possible.

    12: pat dry with another paper towel while placing in original saucepan. A lttle moisture is no biggie.

    13: slowly re heat butter to liquify and pour into containers for storage or recipe if you are ready. I use 1 cup wide mouth jars for this.

    14: Let cool to room temp, put lids on jars then refrigerate. If I don't use it in the first week I put it in the freezer until I need it.

    This method should work with coconut oil using same amounts as butter, tho I have never tried it.

    I have heard by many people on these boards it loses a bunch of potency using this method and it is best to just decarb and eat it whole.
    I have made several lbs this way and everyone that ever tried my toll house cookies thought they were great. Including dozens of people that worked on a commercial farm that were all daily users. I still do it this way because it has always worked, and I just replace all or part of the butter in a recipe with, canabutter pretty simple.

    I start with extremely frosty leaf or bud like this so potency not really ever a problem.

    Dosage I use is one teaspoon per adult human. Seems to be about right in most cases.

    Attached Files:

  3. Disclaimer: boiling and simmering weed in water will stink up your house. If smell is an issue do not attempt.
  4. There's no need to waste time and potency by making strained butter first.
    Typical strained butters lose 20-70% of the thc, but using whole herb loses 0% if decarb is accurate.

    I use a modified version of BrassNwood's method to make cookies.
    This will make a batch of 30 cookies of about 40 mg thc each, and can be modified to make different batch sizes:
    (1) Decarb 7.5 g herb @ 240 F for 40 min using a verifying thermometer.
    (2) Grind to fine powder.
    (3) Combine herb, 3 to 7 g lecithin liquid (exact amount immaterial), and the recipe oil (which can be any amount) into a heatable/freezable container.
    (4) Quickly pre-heat mixture to 220 F on a stove top, then bake at that temp for 20 min.
    (5) Freeze the mixture for a couple hours or so, then thaw.
    This method leaves out the BrassNwood's second heating, which is assumed to be done during the cookie baking process. Otherwise it's pretty much the same.

    Whole herb does bother some stomachs, but using it is much more potent than using strained oils.
    Depending on cookie size there might be slight herb taste, but I taste little or nothing with 10 g or larger cookies.
  5. So 30 cookies, 40 mg per from 7.5 oz of weed? Impressive. I need to do the math on my method again. Not close to that prolly. I grow and usually do a couple lbs of butter at a time. Most goes in the freezer. Sometimes I forget other people have to buy weed.
    • Like Like x 2
  6. Hallucinating Hash Capsules for Hemp Heads
    I grow then convert the buds to dry ice kief and make my oil from that for the maximum strength with the least amount of oil possible.
    Hash Master 5000 - Dry Ice Method, Hash Oil Capsules, Everclear Tincture
    Both threads are still under 20 pages and cover the recipe in detail.
    BadKats CannaPharm: Medical Grade Oil, Cannabis Capsules, UV GLOWING Hash Candy, Canna Bombs more
    BadKats original thread that was the source of my work.
    • Like Like x 1
  7. Anymore the common question of how should I make these edibles is in my mind a question of what are you looking to get out of these edibles? You will get out of it what you put in as far as time and processing.... And you will only die if you overdose on anything other than weed lmao

    Lots of good info on this fourm these people are the best imho

    Sent from my SM-G892A using Tapatalk
  8. I just realized I wrote 7.5 oz not 7.5 grams. I really want to make some bubble hash, no bags yet.

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