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How to make a gamecub stashbox!

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Purp Skurp, Jul 30, 2012.

  1. Hey guys I found my old GameCube and I made a stashbox out of it!

    WARNING: you will be breaking this GameCube so you will no longer be able to use it.

    First you will need a GameCube. (pic 1)

    Then open it and take where you put the disk, take all the plastic out with a hammer or screwdriver. Just hit the plastic where it's thin and it will break and you can take all that out. Then you're left with (pic 2). And you should do all of this outside because plastic will fly everywhere and be careful not to have your face too close or you could get hurt.

    Now you're basically done and you can put a small pipe and grinder and eye drops in it! (pic 3 and 4)

    Now on the bottom of the GameCube (pic 5) if you take off those plastic cover things you can hide a lighter (pic 6) and you can probably put eye drops also or in the part where the pipe and grinder are. I have this big bottle called clear eyes and it doesn't fit.

    You can also put weed in a plastic Baggie and fit it in the bottom of the GameCube or where the pipe goes.

    Also the GameCube isn't very smell proof so don't put a ton of really good weed or a really dirty pipe. You can only smell my pipe if you put your face like right next to it.

    Hope you guys like this guide!

    Attached Files:

  2. ya, trash a game cube, fuck playing games with it, and use it instead of buying a dorm safe that could be locked, would be fire resistant and pretty much air tight...

    or even a Rubbermaid container, which would be cheap and airtight...
  3. I actually have an old broken game cube. This would be a great use for that. Thanks for the idea!

    I don't see how people with so many posts are so ignorant lol....
  4. If i saw a gamecube in my kids room I would know somethings up.

  5. I used it because I don't know here all the cords for it are anymore and the only game I still have for it is tony hawks underground 2.
  6. For real, that makes me want to abuse you. If that was a n64 I would destroy you. :smoke:

    Edit: I was agreeing with cball and chastising op.
  7. because an RA is gonna make you open a safe they are not gonna be concerned with the fucking gamecube!

    OP if you can track some down i would even attach cords to it and run them behind the tv, hell keep the controller on the cube, you know if your gonna do it you gotta do it right:wave::cool:
  8. #8 Bud The Med Toker, Jul 30, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 30, 2012
    I honestly think the best "Game system" Stash is the old fat PS2's, On the back they had an expansion bay (which u had to buy a drive for internet (dialup lol that old)) its huge and it doesnt ruin the system. Don't wanna ruin Op's idea but its another thought

    Here is a pic of the bay

    Edit: Just pulling mine out of the closet i was able to stash 2 bowls, my grinder( 4 piece put separated into 2) , papers and a eighth baggy in it, maybe tape the inside to help with smell (for dorm kids)
  9. :( poor gamecube

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