How to lose cheek fat?

Discussion in 'Fitness, Health & Nutrition' started by teeheeterror, Apr 15, 2012.

  1. I look really young for my age and this is partially due to the cheek fat I have.
    I'm a real skinny dude if you happened to read my other thread(19 years old, 5'7", 120 lbs, of Asian descent).
    I've been running for the past few weeks and I have noticed I've lost a little bit of fat, or probably all the fat I could lose at this point. My waist is noticeably skinnier when I put on my jeans.
    I have lost just a little bit of fat around the sides of my chin but I'm wondering if I could still drop some fat for my cheeks. Is it a genetic thing? Will my cheeks naturally flatten with age? What else could I do at this point? If all else fails, is liposuction a safe option?
  2. Don't worry so much about how you look.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  3. It's most likely due to genetics than body weight. Embrace it, OP. If you're keeping yourself healthy yet have a soft facial features, who cares? Don't understand why'd you go through the trouble of getting liposuction. But then again, no one is truly happy with themselves...
  4. Having some fat in the cheeks makes you look younger. Girls like the babyface. Facial fat is difficult to lose (you'd have to starve pretty bad) and even more difficult to get back. Leave it be, I'm sure you look fine.
  5. u sure its not fat but your jawline or cheek bone?
  6. Cheek bones are genetic and some people have theirs stand out more than others. In order to get a skinny face than you have to have low overall bodyfat. If you want the lance armstrong look than you have to get down to single digit bodyfat.

    If you are already that skinny and still have a fat face, than it is almost definitely genetics and you can't do much about it.

    There is no specific technique or exercise to target face fat.
  7. give lots of blowjobs. i notice hookers dont have much cheek fat
  8. might be an asian thing, i have a female friend that is perfect body, but her face is just round making it look like its fat
  9. When fat gets deposited on certain areas of your face, leading to a rounder, fuller and puffier appearance, it is called face fat. Our face has several layers starting from the bone which gives the face its shape, followed by muscles, then comes fat and the final layer is the skin. It is the fat layer where the face fat is located.

    Face Exercise And Yoga To Get Rid Of Face Fat

    Chin Lifts: Lift your chin towards the ceiling and fix your eyes on a spot. Now curl your lower lip over your upper as much as you can and hold for 10 seconds. Next, smile while your lower lip is still curled and hold for 10 seconds. Repeat 10-15 times.

    Open Wide: Drop your jaw with your tongue resting on the back of your lower teeth and stretch as far as you comfortably can. Hold it for 10 seconds and repeat for 10-15 times. Your muscles should feel tired quickly.

    Stick Out Your Tongue: Just open your eyes and stick your tongue out. Try to touch your chin with your tongue. Hold it for 10 seconds. Do it for 3-5 times. It will surely make your face thinner, strengthen your facial muscles and reduce fat from lower parts of your cheeks.

    Fish Face: All you’ve to do is suck in your cheeks and make a fish face so your lips pout out. Here’s the challenge, try to smile in this position and hold it for 10 seconds. Repeat 10-15 times.

    Home Remedies To Reduce Face Fat

    Lemon: Lemons are known to be beneficial in burning fat and reducing inflammation. A lot of people drink warm lemon water every day in the morning for a healthy metabolism. Mix some lemon drops in a glass of warm water. Add half a teaspoon of honey to it (this ingredient is completely optional). Drink it on an empty stomach to get better results. Not only will it help you reduce fat from your face but from the entire body.

    Turmeric: Turmeric is known for its fairness, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties but there is so much more to this ayurvedic treatment. It is ideal for getting rid of those extra pounds that have accumulated on your face. All you have to do is mix powdered turmeric with gram flour and yogurt to make a paste. Apply this mask on your face to get rid of accumulated fats, signs of ageing, wrinkles and even stretch marks.

    A suggestion - use the above methods in a combination for faster and healthier fat loss.
  10. 6C2FC68B-4739-4E6B-8CA8-D8540EF5CD69.jpeg
    Energy n a bag

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