How to Legalize Cannabis

Discussion in 'Marijuana Legalization' started by DiGits, Feb 1, 2009.

  1. I'm sure this has been posted somewhere around here, but a lot of people feel this is the way to have marijuana legalized, and a lot of people don't realize how effective it can be.

    The reason marijuana is illegal, is because of money. Not because its bad for your health. Its a well known fact. Tobacco, alcohol, drug enforcement, prisons, and medical companies don't want it legal. Why? Because people might stop drinking as much, they might stop smoking tobacco, the police will get less funding, private prisons will be shut down, and because marijuana has more proven medical uses than ANY other substance on earth, drug companies CAN'T patent a plant.

    So how do you help make it legal? Help come up with ideas, show how legalizing cannabis can make a profit, instead of a loss. There isn't a better time than now to prove this. Show HOW legalizing marijuana can help bring us out of this global recession.

    Once its clear that marijuana will make more money when legal, it will become legal.

    Many professionals have stated countless times, that the government isn't keeping marijuana illegal because of health reasons, they know it doesn't give cancer, they know its not gateway drug, but as long as keeping it illegal makes more money, they will still use scare tactics to make the public believe them.

    The reason the alcohol prohibition ended wasn't because the government realized alcohol has no health risks. They just found out having it legal would make more money.
  2. It is very clear how much profits marijuana could make... 500 economists have already signed off on legalizing it.. they know the profits involved.

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