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How to leave 2nd perk dry?

Discussion in 'Bongs, Dab Rigs, Bubblers, Water Pipes' started by Mazer, Nov 4, 2014.

  1. Hey guys, just picked up this piece from a friend. One of the tree arms on perc "2" is broken.

    Because the hole is higher up than the other branches, I want to leave the whole chamber part dry. Is there an easy way to do this? When I fill up the dome and blow, it goes into perc 1 as well as 2

    Either way, an inline, tree, and dome is more than enough so I honestly don't need perc 2 to be wet and fuckin up my draw

    *I want perc 2 dry!*

    Attached Files:

  2. Great question and I have no clue.  Is there a way you can get a straw or small hose past the top perk. 
    Maybe try submerging you piece in water to fill up the bottom perk then siphon the water out of the base. :smoke:
  3. Should be able to put water in the base and in the top and not have it trickle down into perc two. You shouldn't have to blow it down.

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  4. Just poor it in the top and bottom like shattermatter said, this isn't rocket science OP...
  5. Thats what I can do, but Im not sure on the water levels for the uppermost tree perc. Any tips?
  6. Well, the top "dome" is really just a splashgaurd, and the less water the better, it gives it less drag and less chug. Aren't really that many tips when it comes to water levels... just less is more.
  7. Remove perc 2 from your bong and you are as good as gold.
  8. How?
  9. #9 SedatedIndividual, Nov 4, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 4, 2014
    Lol, the funny thing is how that percolator is just loose in there moving around. Every time you travel with it a few more shards probably break off just from it swaying around in there. 

    I warned you before you bought it. Good luck to you, your throat, and your lungs. 
  10. Pour it in the downstem, inhale. Rinse and repeat until it's at the desired level.
    P.s. That's why you don't buy tree percs. Guess what the first thing to always break on em is? You guessed it the arms. Unless the entire bong just shatters, I've done that too.
  11. throw it out of a moving vehicle

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