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How to know when your high... high

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Lerf, Jan 27, 2011.

  1. How do you guys know when you are high high. I want to get to the point where im baked out of my mind but every time I try to smoke 2-3 bowls I always quit halfway through the second bowl or after the second bowl thinking I cant get any higher. When do you heavy smokers usually stop? what feeling? How much?
  2. well now that i smoke almost everyday, I dont smoke large quantities very often. Two or three bowls a day gets me where i wanna be.

    But when i smoke in a sesh with pals, i get FADDED. & i know that feeling because i start feeling like in sitting at the bottom of a pool. I get a great "floating" or "airborne" feeling. Thats usually from 3 or 4 thick blunts of medical.
  3. I always know I'm high when my perspective changes and have the urge to laugh or smile. My vision usually clouds a bit too
  4. You're**

    And I know when I'm super baked when I feel like I am being wrapped in a cloud and I get low frame-rate vision(That doesn't happen all that often though. I need to smoke lotsss of headies to get that feeling).

  5. it just takes alot of experience man. you will know your limit, given any tolerance and how much you had to eat. you take everything into account and correlate everything. its really easy.

    i quit smoking weed about 2 months ago but have smoked it for a LONGGGG time i do know alot on it.

    it used to take me about 2 bowls and i'd feel it. but usually i would just go all out smoke alot more and just get wrecked.
  6. Yea Im about to get wrecked, gonna go for 3 bowls of heads... I just can never follow through, i get sick of the smoke

  7. there is no reason to get "wrecked" if the surrounding atmosphere doesn't really take it.

    i mean, say you live at home with parents or someone who doesn't approve of you smoking ok. would you rather just get buzzed or wrecked. (by wrecked i dont mean bending over puking. i mean just very high, the point where when you masturbate it lasts for an hour not 10 minutes.)

    i am at college. no parents, no authorities telling me not to smoke. truthfully the police on campus know they have bigger problems than a kid who is walking around high or drunk. unless they see the evidence meaning physical stuff then they do their job but otherwise they dont give a shit.

    so..i could get as high as a i want, which normally would be in the evening after all my classes ended and i just wanted to relax.

    i dont smoke anymore though, it isn't the same to me as it was. i still respect it but just dont do it.
  8. I like to get to the point where my mind sort of, disconnects from my body. It's really hard to explain, but it's like your body isnt yours anymore.. haha
  9. I know I'm high after I smoke some weed

  10. dude same! hahaaa it gets really harsh after a few fat hits

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