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How to keep your bros from stealing your lighter?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by bhp70, Nov 19, 2011.

  1. #1 bhp70, Nov 19, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 19, 2011
    It's been 25 years of this shit....just lost another soldier last night. I'm fucking tired of it. :) Had to bust out the propane torch and striker just to smoke a Saturday bowl.

    I've never really put much thought into how to prevent this crap...tried the pink lighter thing way back, purple, whatever....that whole thing doesn't work.

    Anyone got any creative ways out there?
  2. yeah man my friend C has a lighter attached a like cord/string to his belt, after someones done he reals it back in and sits there. hes a genius
  3. Lighter Leash.


    The cheaper version, tie a string to your belt loop and lighter, and wallah!
  4. Yeah my lighters are stolen all the time. :/ The best way to do it is just keep track of your lighter. Although it can be difficult to remember when high, the minute you guys are done smoking bowls FIND your lighter. If it isn't in a place you can find it announce, "Who's got my lighter?" People generally only take it when you aren't keeping track of it.
  5. I always keep a spare lighter in the case that I forget to get it back. Either don't lend your lighter, or get a lighter leash.
  6. In college we tied a lighter to the bong
  7. #7 Meeksy, Nov 19, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 19, 2011
    I saw a lighter that had a sticker on it that said "I light this lighter with the same hand I jack off with, thanks for stealing my lighter ass hole!"
  8. Put that bad boy on a leash, or keep a shitload of cheapo backups.
  9. Funny stuff, man...lighter on a leash, huh? Whatever works man. I hear ya on the pay attention thing man, but no shit whatsoever, I'm positive I've had well, well over a hundred bucks worth of lighters just walk off on me over time. Mind bottling.
  10. [​IMG]
    Its not your bros
  11. Tell them to bring their own lighters.
  12. Don't let other people use it usually works.
  13. I write my first initial of my name on the bottom with a sharpie... One person tried to say it was theirs until I told him it had my name on the bottom. :)
  14. I used to carve my name in the side of my lighters, but now I just don't let anyone use them. Everyone seems to have their own anyways.
  15. get a box of matches if your so worried, u can get like 1000 for $5
  16. You, my Thanks for the laugh!
  17. Sounds about right for the "Ghettos of New York" up on common courtesy some time. You can thank me later.
  18. [quote name='"DankMedical"']yeah man my friend C has a lighter attached a like cord/string to his belt, after someones done he reals it back in and sits there. hes a genius[/quote]

    Umm.. Where are you from? Lol people call me C and I have the same thing lol
  19. Lighter Leash...
    [ame=]Lighter Leash - the most useful tool for stoners ever! - YouTube[/ame]

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