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How to keep tolerance down.

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by letsplaybrick, Aug 26, 2008.

  1. I'm fresh to smoking again after trying to find a job for 4 months. My tolerance is back down to ultra low. I just took a little wrench socket thing full and I'm completely baked :smoking:.

    So my question is, how much can you get away with smoking before your tolerance starts going up? I smoked 4 times last week, if I keep this pace up will it start growing fast? I want to keep my tolerance fairly low this time around.
  2. Only way to keep your tolerance down is to smoke less frequently. If your going to be smoking four times a week, your tolerance will increase fairly easily after a few weeks.
  3. I'd say 4 times a week is a good head start to maintaining your low tolerance.

  4. Not quite man...

    I have 10+ sessions a day and my tolerance isn't even that high.

    4 times a week is perfect. I'd even say you could go higher while still maintaining a relatively low tolerance. Smoke less in terms of quantity as well. An easy way to do this is to stop buying Schwag or Mids and start looking for some Beasters or Fire!
  5. dude as long as youre not smoking many times a day every single day your tolerance isnt just gonna shoot up..

    keep takin those few days break per week..
    dont smoke too much in one session..

    and your tolerance should be fine for the near future.
  6. Yeah, I've never smoked Schwag, and I always try to buy dank. Awesome weed + low tolerance = great high. And I'd like to keep it that way.
  7. Yeah man, you pretty much just have to smoke less frequently. Even if you smoke everyday four times a day, smoking only once a day will lower your tolerance
  8. #8 nfs924, Aug 26, 2008
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 26, 2008
    You smoke 10+ times a day and your tolerance isn't that high? Damn that's very hard to believe. I must just have a very fast developing tolerance, because I don't last anywhere near that long. Better quality bud has more THC, so your tolerance should actually increase if you're smoking good bud quite often. Cheap bud just has less thc, so you'll just have to smoke more bud in order to get the same high. At that point, you're just getting the same amount of THC, so smoking higher quality bud doesn't really offer any advantages regarding tolerance levels.
  9. NFS - It's easy to believe actually, but maybe not from your perspective. I'm the same as him so it's easy for me to see where he's comin from. I smoke about 10+ times a day as well, and I only need a tiny tiny bit of weed per hit (maybe a .2 or less if even lol). I can seriously buy a half quarter and make it last me 2 weeks or longer at least.

    I find tolerance with weed is dependent upon two main things:

    1) The user's individual tolerance levels.
    2) The time between your last toke and the current one.

    I find there are also two levels to your "tolerance" as well. Firstly, there's the "tolerance" in just simply getting high. Getting the main achieved effect of smoking the THC. I would equate this tolerance to an example like.. For most people, a typical "joint" gets them high. You take a handful of smokers, and just ask them the simple question "How much to get you high?" and they'll usually answer either very specifically "Either a half gram or a gram usually" or they'll be more general, like "Usually I just smoke a spliff to myself and I'm good." The latter of these can mean anything, as joints differ from person to person.

    As for your main question, I've found over the last 10 years of smokin or so, that your tolerance levels can be controlled to an extent. I used to be a hard core smoker, quarters a day and such easily. Then, I went to school and had to stop smokin as much, etc. Life, you know. After all that got finished and I had more time, I started smokin again. ONly this time, I found that I could only smoke a little bit before I was totally ripped.

    The reason for this was because I went from smoking such a high amount, to literally only a joint every few days if even, for a few months (not long at all). After I had more time to smoke again, honest to God I can say that only a .01 (a pinch in a bowl) gets me high as hell, for a few hours.

    If you want to lower your tolerance in the manner I did, and keep it that way for a LONG time (mine has been this way now for oh, maybe 3 yrs so far) then you need to stop smoking. Period. For a little bit. At least 2 months I'd say, 3 to be absolutely sure. After that, I'm certain you'll find that the weed is just TOO strong sometimes. Seriously.

    A warning though, because what this does is drastically change your body tolerance. You'll be overwhelmed by the effects, I believe at least, because it's not like the "first time you smoked" over again. When you first smoke, you don't know what you expect, which is why most people say they don't feel anything when they're high the first time. After you've smoked for a while, you know exactly what you are supposed to feel, what you yourself usually feel, etc. So, your mind is basically lookin for it, because it knows it's there. If ya get what I'm sayin. THe warning from me comes because you'll probably be so overwhelmed you'll have panic attacks and everything, because you'll be so high. Which is what I sometimes get, even to this day.

    If you want to lower your tolerance only a tad, and still get really high as hell when you smoke, just cut down on your smokin to one or two joints a week, or the 4 you said you had, that should keep your tolerance pretty low. But your individual tolerance will never change... A spliff will always get you high.. A bong rip will always get you high.. (Obviously unless its bunk).. THe real tolerance question is.. Which one will get you "fucked" up. If that's what you're goin for, which I would guess you are since you are lookin to keep your tolerance down.

    Happy smokin'.
  10. Just smoke once a day and your good.
  11. Ya once a day about .25 g's of heads will keep you blazed at the same level for a long long time
  12. Green tea helps me, I believe it's the antioxidants and such in green tea, at least that's what I heard lmao
  13. you are wrong. he is right. first of all if you are having ten sessions a day you are most definitely doing it wrong.
    second of all a person who smokes 4 times a week will have a WAY higher tolerance then a person who smoke 4 times a month. 
    Op the best way to keep your tolerance low while also enjoying bud is to be really productive during the day. workout. chill with friends. make money. just be super productive. then take a blunt to the face every night. thats what i do. and i always get super high. and it feels much better then smoking all day.
  14. oh also workout a lot. i swear the faster your metabolism is the higher you get bro. 

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