how to keep moutain lions away?

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Outdoors' started by greenwatcher, Feb 10, 2011.

  1. how do i do this r they scared of anything?
    like can i use some sort of animal urine??
    soap strewn around??
    stuffed animal?

  2. Mountains Lions?


  3. no weapons method plz:D
  4. Build a fence and put razorwire on top


    I can guarantee no mafackin lion is gettin thru that shhit.
  5. ehh kindaaa noticable and im not worried bout the lions eating my weed lol

    u think bear urine would work??
  6. my friend lives out in the woods and has mountain lions..

    he actually just leaves food for them (meat etc...)

    far down his driveway / private road and they rarely go near his house

    they can smell it from pretty far away and he leaves NOTHING out at home

    edit: then again they gunna be back for more!! ahaha
  7. #7 clodhopper, Feb 10, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 10, 2011
    Hi greenwatcher

    Go to your local rape crisis center, or maybe even walmart and get a small canistor of MACE. The mace will deter just about any critter, but the scent hangs around for days and is caustic in nature similar to tear gas. You will smell it but it wont be irritating, but animals smell much better than us and they dont like it at all. I have bear and coyote and neither will come close to it. you do have to respray anytime it rains heavily.

    Ive heard that bear spray has a similar effect but ive never used that and dont know if the scent lingers for days as does the mace.

    Mace will stop any attacking animal dead in its tracks.
  8. Bear spray, and a holster for it.

    Problem solved!

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