how to intensify mushroom trip

Discussion in 'Pandora's Box' started by justrollablunt, Dec 13, 2008.

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  1. crush your shrroms into a fine powder.
    get a couple lemons and squeeze the juice into the cup
    put the shrooms into the lemon juice and enjoy

    make you trips so hard i think it was 5x harder than just eating them
    but the downside is its not as long
    so it has its let downs
  2. I tried the lemon and vitamin C stuff. Didn't really work. Try MAOIs, they fuck you up while on shrooms X1000
  3. Lots of weed, more shrooms, and nitrous
    Eating the shrooms on an empty stomach will help
  4. Yup, this is what you need. It inhibits psilocybin/psilocin from being broken down at the normal rate, due to the suppression of the enzyme MAO, which metabolizes both. Harmala is a legal plant that contains Harmine, a MAOI. It's legal in the United States so look for it at the local natural foods/asian medicine/hippie supply store. I myself am not sure on the dosage, however.

  5. Amanita Muscaria is quite bizarre. No euphoria, but true dissociation. I dropped a slice of pizza seriously three or four times on that shit. Plus I beat a guy at Scrabble but couldn't count the points myself. Go figure... :confused_2:
  6. Vitamin C won't do anything to potentiate shrooms, as far as I know. The acidity of orange juice converts psilocybin to psilocyn faster, making you feel the initial effects faster and stronger.

    Lemon tek works on the same principle- powdering and soaking in lemon juice converts most of the psilocybin to psilocyn. The downside (or upside if you look at it that way) is that you get a really intense experience, but it's very short lasting. Then you're coming down for a long time.

    MAOIs will potentiate it, but a strict diet MUST be followed for some time before and after you take it.

    IMO, the best thing to do is just to smoke some ganj. When is up to you, but I like to wait until I'm peaking or almost peaking, if I smoke at all.

    Oh, and for the record, psilocybin is NOT a poison. I don't know how this shit gets around.
  7. SMoke weed while peaking. If you want to have a shorter, more intense trip use the lemon juice soak method.
  8. Eat more mushrooms, that usually does the trick.
  9. I know it's been said before, but just smoke two bowls to yourself right when you peak on the shrooms and you'll enter a very very different world.... a fun, magical, knowledgeable world.... oh and while your at it watch Finding Nemo... the colors are glorious:smoking:
  10. how can it be a waste of time taking vitamin c, even if it doesn't intensify the high, whats the harm in trying?
  11. Used the Lemon Tek last night on 2.7g's of some really good shrooms, great trip, kicked in about 20 mins after drinking, i peaked bout an hour in, and i peaked for a good 2 hours, good trip though.
  12. I think melitonin and 5-htp for 2 days before helps if you have been doing it alot or to jus make the trip more intense
  13. Yea I hear vitamin c works really good.

  14. I got that shit on Blu-Ray. I HAVE to try that finding nemo idea, next fry. Thank you for the idea.:)
  15. Good job bumping another 2 year old thread, now this is gunna get deleted too.
  16. Smoking weed during the comeup will cause the trip to come one faster. Smoking weed while peaking will blow your mind. Smoking weed on the comedown will bring some effects back, not another full blown mushroom trip but def. a change in perception.

    I don't know if it's an option, but I guarantee that if you trip by yourself in a dark room (some light is necessary to get the patterns on the walls/ceiling) your mind will be blown. I've tripped on boomers twice by myself, and quite a few times with friends, and those two trips were the hardest, aside from the time I tripped with my best friend(s) on his last day before leaving for a few years. That was a beautiful experience.

    EDIT: FUCK, I thought the old pandora's box was back and other drug discussion was allowed again. Didn't realize this thread was years old.
  17. Discussion of other drugs is no longer allowed here
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