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how to inhale

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by DMIstoner, Jan 15, 2010.

  1. okay you guys are probably going to think i'm retarded but i was just checking to see if i was. so i heard these dudes talking about smoking and they said that to inhale you swallow the smoke and i always that that you just actually inhale after you take a hit because i got high when i did that. i was just checking to see if i was retarded or not. thanks. peace
  2. Just inhale... if you swallow it all goes in your stomach and the only effect will be weed burps.
  3. No, don't SWALLOW the smoke. I suggest to take the hit. Don't inhale yet, instead let the smoke lie in your mouth. Open your mouth, not all the way but like half way. Let the smoke slowley come out and hurry up and suck it back in. That's when you inhale. That move is called ghost inhale. It will insure your inhaling right for sure.
  4. aight thats what i thought and thanks for the reply
  5. I (And everyone I know) call this a "Kill Hit". A "Ghost" is when you hold it in for so long that when you exhale, no smoke comes out.

    Atleast from where I'm from
  6. Just take your hit into your mouth than take a breath of air when the smoke is still in your mouth, it forces most of the smoke down into your lungs, then you hold it for 5 seconds, then exhale.
  7. I didn't hear dont swallow after u take a hit until a LONG time after i started. And swallowing after i inhaled was just a habit and i've had 0 problems with swallowing (i've heard you can get stomach aches)...

    But uhh inhale slowly then when ur lungs are about full (you'll feel it), then inhale AIR into ur lungs for a few seconds. hold. After about 5-7 seconds blow out. :)
  8. Yeah say your using a bowl, just smoke it while inhaling then when you go to clear it just take a deep breathe.
  9. if you want to inhale the easiest way to learn to do it and not cough as much for the first time then draw the smoke into your mouth like a straw then open you mouth and take a deep then when you get use to it then just skip the first steps and just inhale
  10. i cnat believe this question gets asked so much.

    heres how you inhale. you know when you breathe and you take air in your lungs? thats how you inhale.. to inhale weed smoke, put your mouth on the pipe and do the same thing. there you go.

    dont swallow it, its a waste of your hit and will make you sick + weed smoke burps. and you wont get high
  11. and if you really wanna be a boss, open your moth after inhaling the SMOKE and let it bellow out of your moth. dont blow out, just let the smoke come out. and inhale JUST through your nose. it looks awsome to people watching and is a little different hit.

    called The French Inhale

    i love it =]
  12. I'm just imagining how much smoke these guys are going to be burping out if they're swallowing every hit for their whole sesh. :rolleyes:
  13. You don't inhale the smoke through your mouth before inhaling through your nose :rolleyes:

    To french-inhale, "suck" the end of the joint/bowl/etc like a drinking straw without inhaling until your mouth is full. Then, slowly push the smoke out of your mouth as you inhale through your nose (Don't be afraid to suck to hard. Just don't suck too lightly, like most beginners do).

    *I recommend doing this inside because the wind outside might mess it up.
  14. oh well I live in Florida and that's what it's always been called around here lol.
  15. lmfao, I was thinking the same thing!

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