I have a couple jobs, but one is at a coffee shop, and there's always smokin hot girls coming through. Now I've always maintained a high level of professionalism at work, but damn it's really starting to feel like my efforts are for nothing, I mean it's a fucking coffee shop, and my co workers are fucking dimwits, so I might as well be hitting on girls, right? But how should I go about doing this and also maintaining a certain degree of professionalism?
Yeah dude it's a fuckin coffee shop, I'm slowly starting to hate my job. It's not like I don't have others.
dude, give them free shit... like small stuff so you dont get in trouble... like if they order a small, get them a medium... or give them a cookie or something
Al 'Sexual' Harris - Dinosaurs! episode on Netflix is all the advise you need (also great to emwatch stoned)
I can flirt with girls, but at work is a completely different thing. I gotta be professional about that shit. Like businessmen do when they have affairs. I ain't never had an affair before
nice man that really helps answer his question. I wanna know the same thing OP, mad hot chicks at my work. grocery store.
"Can I have yo number? Can I have yo number? Can I have yo number? Can I have yo number? Can I have yo number?"
Um, excuse me, can you please write you number here *give blank card* With this, we can put it in our backroom coffee shop raffle and maybe you and me can go to another coffee shop *say that last part shen you get that #* and smile
If you don't have enough time to actually talk to these girls on the side or something stop being so thirsty and get back to work! Here is an example...I've never worked ina coffee shop but its what I'd do... If you are taking orders, girl orders something... Tell her "Good choice, its really popular right now" or say "its your favorite". Make a flirty smile and eye contact. Then keep it moving on to the next customer. See if you can get a free moment to talk with her on the side.
I actually like that. "We're doing a raffle right now, if you write down your name and number you have a chance at winning the guy taking your order right now " haha gonna have to try that out
not an appropriate thing to be doing at work if you think you can get away with it go ahead, let them know about your massive phallus
I work at a gas station. I haven't asked a customer out in over a year, but back when I was freaking out about turning 25 and still being a virgin I asked out 4. The three numbers I got I used one simple line, "Hey you seem pretty cool, you want to grab a drink or some coffee sometime." After they agreed I asked for their number, and after that I asked them their name I so want to find a better first job. That gas station would be golden if I didn't have to worry about losing it.
U never want to date a coworker.. Havent u heard that rule before! Its true! But a hard head makes a soft ass..